What do you think the record will be for the gophers after the 2012 season?

What record do you think the gophers will have at the end of this football season?

  • 1-11

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • 2-10

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 3-9

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 4-8

    Votes: 11 8.6%
  • 5-7

    Votes: 30 23.4%
  • 6-6

    Votes: 52 40.6%
  • 7-5

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • 8-4

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • 9-3

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 10-2, 11-1, 12-0

    Votes: 3 2.3%

  • Total voters
I know that's not popular with the kool-aid sect here

I always love this argument. There is no "kool-aid sect" here. People see want they want to see. This "fan" board is probably harder on its own team than any other in existence. It's not something to puff out your chest about because you (in your own mind) think the Gophers suck to an even greater degree than the rest of us think that they suck. Predicting an 8-4 season is not "kool-aid" behavior. "Kool-aid" behavior would be saying that a 14-0 season and a national championship is possible.

There's a difference between holding a contrarian viewpoint and arguing for it honestly and being a d0uchenozzle for the sake of being a d0uchenozzle. If you're not really Eric Lewis (which I assume that you are), stop trying to emulate him.

why playing the first game of the season on the road on Thursday night in another time zone and climate is considered 100% probable win?

Not a single person has said that.

(P.S. 100% and probable are inherently contradictory terms. It's like saying "relative absolute".)

"obviously aren't?" Confused?? Am I or aren't I? I don't see any such thread on KFAN? Look, I'm just a Gopher fans who calls what I see. I know that's not popular with the kool-aid sect here, but if it hurts you that badly, don't read or reply to me. Why are your opinions of crazy good seasons any better than mine that point out what you choose to overlook? I'm still waiting for someone to explain with something other than "UNLV sucked last season," why playing the first game of the season on the road on Thursday night in another time zone and climate is considered 100% probable win?

I see that in addition to not knowing what irony is, you're also unfamiliar with sarcasm. How exactly do you know about the Annual May Parade of Fools? As someone who just signed up at the end of April, that should be a new experience.

I see that in addition to not knowing what irony is, you're also unfamiliar with sarcasm. How exactly do you know about the Annual May Parade of Fools? As someone who just signed up at the end of April, that should be a new experience.

I didn't realize you had to be signed up to read here? You're trying awfully hard, inspector McGruff.

Sorry OutHouseGopher, no one said that. First off, I'm not looking at picking a fight.

One thing about a new poster; there seems to be former "trolls" that pop up posing as well meaning fans. Perhaps you are and time will tell, but making up a quote and using it as proof isn't a good way to get started.

Why am I encouraged about this year? It is the first time in at least 6 years that we have a returning coach with returning assistants. Why is that important? Continuity of plays, schemes, and strategy. If you're changing things up every year, you are starting from square one and it is difficult to get execution when there is no commitment to a playing style. I'm surprised we did as well under Brewster's bi-polar coaching style than we did.

Jerry Kill is true to his offensive and defensive plan, and it makes execution and expectations that much easier. We're already 4-weeks ahead of where we've been for a long time.

Taking a look at the Runnin Rebel's roster, they only have one player that has earned 3 letters at his position (an offensive lineman). They're not very deep in the Defensive Line and our Offensive Line has 7 - that are 300lb or bigger. We should be able to make ample substitutions to keep them fresh in the dreaded Desert Heat. They have exactly one running back that can run the ball and a QB that has yet to find his rhythm.

The odds are tilted heavily in Minnesota's favor, but the Rebel's could find their offense and make it a good game. No game is ever a 100% win, but I would rather play UNLV than New Hampshire anyday.

I'm not even going to broach the UNLV game again; 1-0 I say to make the kool-aid sect happy! Staff continuity? That's your big blue chip in 2012? How did that work for Illinois and Iowa vs us last year? Texas? When Mason was here?

With no major injuries (6-6) and a BOWL GAME...big jump for Kill and the Gophers.

I'm not even going to broach the UNLV game again; 1-0 I say to make the kool-aid sect happy! Staff continuity? That's your big blue chip in 2012? How did that work for Illinois and Iowa vs us last year? Texas? When Mason was here?

Yeah...I totally don't think you're an @sshole any more.

I could live with 6-6. I hope they can get to 7-5.

My big worry is that, if an early game goes bad due to turnovers, penalties or injuries, then the nay-sayers in the media (hi, Pat) will start screaming about the "same old Gophers."

This program needs some good news. They need something good to happen. As other posters have pointed out, Kill and his staff are light-years away from the coordinator suffle under Tim B. Continuity is important - it doesn't guarantee victories, but I prefer having an experienced staff with a relatively proven system.

My ultimate bottom line - I want a team that's fun to watch. Win or lose, I can deal with it as long as the team is playing an entertaining style of ball, and shows some promise. (Oh, and If they can beat the Stinkin' Badgers, then the season is a success, no matter what the final record ends up.)

People who have the gophs pegged at 8-4 are crayzee! Yes, I hope they go 8-4 but no way can I believe they will win more than 6 in 2012 until they display more than they did 2011 season. 'play til the whistle blows.'

I have them at 5 wins this year. I had them at 5 wins last year. I hope that I'm off by two wins again this year, but the other direction! :)

In all honesty, they should win their NC games and they should win more than two B1G games. Gophers teams have historically found ways to lose games. I hope that at some point in the near future I can say "remember when they used to find ways to lose games?". I don't think we're quite there yet...

Last year I predicted 3-9 (totally have to say that to add weight to the next sentence). For this year I am actually among the glass-is-half-full crowd as I predict a 7-5 season for the Gophers and a trip to a not-horrible bowl.

Just give us a bowl game. Any bowl game will be a good year for Coach Kill.

Stability in the staff is no guarantee, but it is a good thing. There are no guarantees in life.

I have my little sheet of stats that give me hope for this season. In the first part of last season, when the Gophers were learning the system, they were terrible on sacks, sacks given up, and penalties. The second part of the season - when the schedule was tougher - this was racically changed.

Through the first give games, the Gophers had 2 sacks, but gave up 14 sacks. In the final seven games, the Gophers had 17 sacks and gave up only 8 sacks.

In the first 6 games, the Gophers had a a total of 41 penalties for a total of 332 yards. That's an average of 6.83 penalties per game and 55.3 yards per game.

In the first 6 games, the Gophers had a a total of 27 penalties for a total of 261 yards. That's an average of 4.5 penalties per game and 43.5 yards per game.

The players now know the system, so there is reason to expect their performance to be more like the second half of last season than the first half.

Every year, I have hope of 9 or 10 wins (except for Brewster's last when I hoped for enough losses to get him fired). I believe that Kill will soon have them back to Mason's level (which was the best Gopher year's since I was too little to really know). I voted for 7-5 because that of my never ending hope, but truly believe 6-6 is realistic.

Go Gophers!

I see the world through maroon and gold glasses....I'd be happy just to be back in a bowl this year. We're just so damn young. I wish we red-shirted Gray his first season...damn. I believe next year (2013) will be the breakout season....but we'll be breaking in a new QB.

Didn't vote as I can't see the poll from my phone app, but barring injury, I'd expect no less than 5 wins. I think the offence will still have a hard time, as our receivers and running backs are inexperienced. The d will probably have a hard time too, as it looks from first glance like there are depth issues.

I will probably change my tune after seeing the UNLV game. But from right now, the only sure bright-spots I can see on offence is Gray, and possibly the o-line. As by the end of last season they were holding their own and we are returning the core of that group.

The D is more difficult for me to see, as I dunno who most of the starters will be, lots of question marks beyond Hagemen, and Stoudemire.

I really hope for no major injuries, especially Gray, as he is our only playmaker until somebody else can step-up.

If new playmakers step up early in the season and we stay healthy, I see way more than 5 wins piling up.

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6-6, with an upset win (preferably a jug or an axe) and 1 or 2 head slapper losses.

Worth repeating: "The sun don't shine on the Gophers ass man." - RuppertFlyWheel

I said 6-6. A trip to a bowl game and the extra practice would be huge for the program and momentum going into 2013, especially with the evaluation process of who will replace Gray. This year we need to continue to develop a well disciplined, blue collar brand of football and most importantly WIN EARLY. If we really go 4-0 in the non-conference (which is far from assured) that will go a long ways towards helping us shore up this recruiting class so we don't take a step back in the talent department. A 5-0 or 6-0 start to the season might be able to help us get that feature RB we so desperately need to help Kill run his system that much better.

5-7 is my optimistic prediction. An extra win if we surprise somebody. Other than that, it will be tough sledding this year. By the third game into the conference, Grey will be sent packing for younger talent.

"Im a Hessian, who ain't got no aggression."

Duh, Philip Nelson will, because he's the greatest QB EVER! He's so great, he's going to come in and win the rest of the games, the B1G championship, the Rose Bowl and somehow the National Championship too, even though the Gophers apparently had suffered enough losses to justify switching QB's. Don't question the math - Philip Nelson is THAT GREAT!

Duh, Philip Nelson will, because he's the greatest QB EVER! He's so great, he's going to come in and win the rest of the games, the B1G championship, the Rose Bowl and somehow the National Championship too, even though the Gophers apparently had suffered enough losses to justify switching QB's. Don't question the math - Philip Nelson is THAT GREAT!

I think he will be good enough that the NCAA will actually go back and reverse the losses we suffered and turn them into wins. He's THAT good.

If they don't win 5 games it'd be a disappointment in my opinion. I think they'll win 4-5 games.

Gee, didn't mommy and daddy give you any attention at all?

I'm certain that my parents invested more in my upbringing than yours did in teaching you not to be an enormous, festering, unrepentant toolshed.

By the third game into the conference, Grey will be sent packing for younger talent.

I saw the thread about exceeding or failing to meet expectations and I thought of this thread. While reading through it I noticed the little exchange started by this post.

Misspelling and injury aside, the specificity of the prediction makes it's either really lucky or pretty impressive. Probably the former, but interesting nonetheless.

I saw the thread about exceeding or failing to meet expectations and I thought of this thread. While reading through it I noticed the little exchange started by this post.

Misspelling and injury aside, the specificity of the prediction makes it's either really lucky or pretty impressive. Probably the former, but interesting nonetheless.

Just proves one thing: I run hot and cold. Still looking for just right.

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