What do you think the record will be for the gophers after the 2012 season?

What record do you think the gophers will have at the end of this football season?

  • 1-11

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • 2-10

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 3-9

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 4-8

    Votes: 11 8.6%
  • 5-7

    Votes: 30 23.4%
  • 6-6

    Votes: 52 40.6%
  • 7-5

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • 8-4

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • 9-3

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 10-2, 11-1, 12-0

    Votes: 3 2.3%

  • Total voters
Oct 18, 2010
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Plaese vote on what you think the gophers record will be at the end of the gophers 2012 football season and please say your thoughts below.

I went 6-6 but feel they could finish anywher from 5-7 and 7-5. A lot will depend on the team's health

Bowl Bound

The players' improvement physically and gaining knowledge of the system will result in a bowl berth. A huge step in the right direction.

I see a 4-0 record non conference, 2-2 against Iowa, Illinois, Purdue and Northwestern, 0-4 vs Nebraska, Michigan, Michigan State, and Wisconsin. The best record thats realistically achievable is 8-4 but strange things can happen when you play with an oblong ball.

Worst case scenario: 4-8
Best case scenario: 6-6, maybe 7-5

If we go 3-9, my doubts will start to creep in.

I voted 6-6.

I would be happy with that.

I would say 90% confidence, we're between 4-8 and 7-5. There can be no games taken for granted this year, not after losing at home to New Mexico State last season. And getting blown out by NDSU. I sincerely hope the team can come into next year focused and take care of non-conference games, as they're our best chance to get Ws and will be the difference between progression and regression.

They cannot do much worse than 6-6.

4-0 for sure in NC

Iowa beatable, solid but not great
NU beatable, we owe them one
Illinois not good
Purdue better then perceived, but beatable at TCF

2-2 or 3-1 is very possible

Michigan not a dominant team in Y2 of BH
Nebraska very solid but not a worldbeater
Wisconsin could be beat but not likely
MSU tough, but very beatable, we gave them a game in EL last year

1 or 2 wins could happen here

7-5 is very likely, could win 8 if the defense gets a lot better

I see a 4-0 record non conference, 2-2 against Iowa, Illinois, Purdue and Northwestern, 0-4 vs Nebraska, Michigan, Michigan State, and Wisconsin. The best record thats realistically achievable is 8-4 but strange things can happen when you play with an oblong ball.

8-4 is "realistic?" Preposterous! No way on God's Green Earth this team wins even 7.

They cannot do much worse than 6-6.

4-0 for sure in NC

Iowa beatable, solid but not great
NU beatable, we owe them one
Illinois not good
Purdue better then perceived, but beatable at TCF

2-2 or 3-1 is very possible

Michigan not a dominant team in Y2 of BH
Nebraska very solid but not a worldbeater
Wisconsin could be beat but not likely
MSU tough, but very beatable, we gave them a game in EL last year

1 or 2 wins could happen here

7-5 is very likely, could win 8 if the defense gets a lot better

why you would ever say for sure after watching the gophers is beyond me

8-4 is "realistic?" Preposterous! No way on God's Green Earth this team wins even 7.
Going 4-0 agaist N-C and 4-0 agaist the teams we should be able to play with is realistic, if unlikely, beating the 4 teams with superior talent isn't. So if we play a perfect season within our talent level we could go 8-4

I think 5-7 or 6-6 is definitely possible, then again I'm an optimist. 8-4 sure would be a nice thing to see though.

The way the voting is going, it appears the bar graph is not only tabulating our votes, but giving our collective opponents the finger.

picked 5-7. 6-6 is realistic but I don't think they get to 6 wins. hopefully what we see is an improved defense and the start of a legit defense for years to come.

I think 6-6 is a very likely outcome but it will rest on winning atleast 3 non conference games. If we can win 4 in the nonconference portion of the schedule I think 6-6 is a lock. I dont think the Big Ten is a great football conference. I also realise the Gophers are not a great team yet either but if the O-line and QB positions stay healthy the team has a chance. The second year in both the offensive and defensive systems should be huge along with the additions to the secondary.

The biggest questions for me will come at WR and on defense. I am not as worried about the running backs because if the line stays healthy they should have holes to run through. Staying healthy is huge. If this team can't win 4 games next year we are in big trouble.

I dont think the Big Ten is a great football conference.


5-7, which is still 2 more wins than last year. This is going to take some time.

1. Gray has a banner year
2. The defensive backfield is as good as it looked in the spring.
3. Stopper up the middle ( Hageman, JC tackle Johnson.)
4. True freshmen WR's come through ( McDonald, Harbison, etc.)
5. Because of depth problems, we need to dodge the injury bug.
6. Finally, we need some "Hail Mary" type plays. ( The tipped pass Arlan Bruce caught in the Penn State upset. The winning FG by Reece Loyd in the Sun Bowl that was tipped by a Duck defender, but just crawled over the crossbar. Just go back 10-15 years guys and think about the Hail Mary's that have benefited the Gophers? The sun don't shine on the Gophers ass man.
Tom Lehman in golf and the Gophers in football must have some sort of voodoo hex that has been pinned to them. That being said, I think the above keys if they hold true get us to 7-5

Between 5 and 6 for me. Went with my heart and 6. Would be happy with that and don't think it's unrealistic.

Wins: UNLV, UNH, WMich, Syracuse, Purdue, Illinois (6)
Losses: wisky, Michigan, Nebraska, Michigan State (4)

Toss ups: Iowa, Northwestern (2)

Still going with 6-6. Our wins will be closer than our losses.

This schedule has itself set up to be very much like the early 2000s in that if we overachieve and win our gimme's and our toss-up games, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that we roll into Madison, wait for it..... 6-0. Having said that, even if we win the first six, it is very possible that this team loses the next six games.

Could we please ban Pantherhawk, mods?

Ha! Because I refuse to jump on the annual May Parade of Fools calling for 8,9 or 10 wins in the fall, I am a pantherhawk? Whatever. Tell me, how does playing our opening game of the season on the road, at night, 2 time zones away in a different climate = a gimme? With out level of talent, experience and depth I'm just not expecting much...even if you call me badger bob.

Ha! Because I refuse to jump on the annual May Parade of Fools calling for 8,9 or 10 wins in the fall, I am a pantherhawk?

No...it's because you have 12 posts, and every single one of them makes you sound like an @sshole.

It's purely coincidence that lonely loser PantherHawk (who you obviously aren't) started a thread on KFAN about Kim Royston, got banned the next day and mysteriously showed up here the following day, picking a fight with Kim's dad. Since we're going to misuse irony, I'll label that as ironic as well.

It's purely coincidence that lonely loser PantherHawk (who you obviously aren't) started a thread on KFAN about Kim Royston, got banned the next day and mysteriously showed up here the following day, picking a fight with Kim's dad. Since we're going to misuse irony, I'll label that as ironic as well.

"obviously aren't?" Confused?? Am I or aren't I? I don't see any such thread on KFAN? Look, I'm just a Gopher fans who calls what I see. I know that's not popular with the kool-aid sect here, but if it hurts you that badly, don't read or reply to me. Why are your opinions of crazy good seasons any better than mine that point out what you choose to overlook? I'm still waiting for someone to explain with something other than "UNLV sucked last season," why playing the first game of the season on the road on Thursday night in another time zone and climate is considered 100% probable win?

Gophs go 8-4 and we are treading into Seat Lic. territory. I'll pay the extra but i'll guess there are members of my group that would back out.

OutHouseGopher;536593..... why playing the first game of the season on the road on Thursday night in another time zone and climate is considered 100% probable win?[/QUOTE said:
Sorry OutHouseGopher, no one said that. First off, I'm not looking at picking a fight.

One thing about a new poster; there seems to be former "trolls" that pop up posing as well meaning fans. Perhaps you are and time will tell, but making up a quote and using it as proof isn't a good way to get started.

Why am I encouraged about this year? It is the first time in at least 6 years that we have a returning coach with returning assistants. Why is that important? Continuity of plays, schemes, and strategy. If you're changing things up every year, you are starting from square one and it is difficult to get execution when there is no commitment to a playing style. I'm surprised we did as well under Brewster's bi-polar coaching style than we did.

Jerry Kill is true to his offensive and defensive plan, and it makes execution and expectations that much easier. We're already 4-weeks ahead of where we've been for a long time.

Taking a look at the Runnin Rebel's roster, they only have one player that has earned 3 letters at his position (an offensive lineman). They're not very deep in the Defensive Line and our Offensive Line has 7 - that are 300lb or bigger. We should be able to make ample substitutions to keep them fresh in the dreaded Desert Heat. They have exactly one running back that can run the ball and a QB that has yet to find his rhythm.

The odds are tilted heavily in Minnesota's favor, but the Rebel's could find their offense and make it a good game. No game is ever a 100% win, but I would rather play UNLV than New Hampshire anyday.

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