Is there where you put your unfiltered "Hot Takes"? Well I've been mum on this topic so might as well let er' rip.
I vacillate between letting Claeys and his staff go or going in to whole new direction on a daily basis. The people making this decision should be doing it based on the long view. I hope Coyle and Kaler are playing chess and not checkers in this game. The short view to me is still a year from now. Sure the buyout of Claeys and staff goes down to a paltry $250,000 this time next year, or about $2.75 million less altogether. What about the unknown losses in the whole fiasco? How much money does the University of Minnesota lose if their freshman application rates plummet? Does the U need to lower their academic standards as they are not getting the creme de la creme of applicants who one day could be generous donors or accomplished alumni? Look at the University of Missouri who estimated that their freshman enrollment, not applications, was down by 1,500 students for Fall 2016 creating a budget gap for University system as a whole an estimated $32 million - all probably due to racial protests on campus involving racial activist groups such as Black Lives Matter and Concerned Student 1950.
I think in the end Coyle will be a pawn of Kalers who probably sees what can happen to other University presidents who don't take swift and decisive action. What must been done eventually must be done now. Therefore I think Claeys et al will be let go within a few days of the bowl game. From a football only standpoint it does not make sound financial sense nor does it make an harmonious environment to work in for the short term for attracting the best candidates. Face it, next year very well could be disaster with a subpar recruiting class this year, a roster riddled with JUCO transfers and undergraduate players leaving and a more difficult schedule. If Claeys is not let go now we are right back here having the same discussion come the day after Wisconsin beats us for the 14th consecutive time.
I don't like to see the continuity of the current staff broken up nor what it does to their families. But something happened that to a large degree was out the staff's control but unfortunately under their watch and the University must make a change in order to show future players, their families, prospective students and their families that the culture at the University of Minnesota is changing for the better.
FWIW if have a feeling we may go North for the next regime OR get the Emperor King.