What dissapoints you most?


New member
Mar 10, 2011
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Given the current makeup of this team identifying one things could be tough for some. My biggest dissapointment this season has been the discipline and focus of this team. They have way to many untimely penalties and dropped passes for my liking. To me this all comes down to being prepared and feeling comfortable in the system.

I feel like this discipline continuosly puts these inexperienced qb's in 2nd or 3rd and longs all to often setting them up for failure. The worse part is the timing of these. It seems like the dropped passes or penalties come at times when the offense could change the momentum in the game(s).

General ineptitude, including attitude. Email Kaler to get a new AD and a new coach - maybe Horton would be willing to be an interim coach for a year while a big deal search goes on. This is the worst Gopher team, '83 possibly excepted, since I began watching Gopher football half a century ago.

General ineptitude, including attitude. Email Kaler to get a new AD and a new coach - maybe Horton would be willing to be an interim coach for a year while a big deal search goes on. This is the worst Gopher team, '83 possibly excepted, since I began watching Gopher football half a century ago.
I think that is a smashing idea that would just make us look wonderful in the eyes of recruits, coaches, and fans nationwide.

What disappoints me is the negativity of the majority of fans and players.

The lack of leadership from the upperclassmen. The younger guys in general seem to be working harder and have a better attitude than the older guys.

The lack of a good first half gameplan through 6 games.

the only 1st half gameplan that really sticks out to me is the New Mexico St game. All the other one's I felt had more to do with lack of execution more than that game plan. In regards to game plan/play calling that concerns me is there isn't one or two bread and butter plays this team can go to when in a pinch and have success.

The plethora of mental errors. Physically, I thought we could match up with some teams, but I can see that I'm wrong about that. But for a guy who preaches mental discipline, Kill seems to be coming up way short in this department.

I think that is a smashing idea that would just make us look wonderful in the eyes of recruits, coaches, and fans nationwide.

I hate to be so negative, but recruiting looks weak, anyway. Will this regime ever win five conference games in a season - even if given four seasons? I doubt it. It's hard to see Kill, Limegrover & Co. doing any better than Mason, and hard to see them going 8-3 and 9-3 as he did in his two best seasons. We are back to square one - after 43 years of frustration.

The plethora of mental errors. Physically, I thought we could match up with some teams, but I can see that I'm wrong about that. But for a guy who preaches mental discipline, Kill seems to be coming up way short in this department.


Upperclassman not stepping up and doing the job! Still waiting for one to step it up and start making some plays!

Not going for it on 4th down, when the game is out of hand. It's another opportunity for the O to potentially get better.

Lack of any improvement any where. Kill and staff have their hands full and hopefully they don't wake up and realize they are in over their heads.

Penalties and lack of improvement on offense have been biggest disappointments

I am really surprised at the level and amount of penalties the team now commits. This is something that I thought would improve under this more
"veteran" and experienced coaching staff. My hope was that the cohesion and the familiarity of the group would allow for less mental mistakes
and penalties on the field. This area sure has not improved much this year, tuning into the games and knowing the team will not be competitive
and make a lot of mistakes is the most frustrating part of the year. This is just another lost year in a long line of lost years for Gopher football.

Kill. I'm most disappointed in our coaching staff. Say what you will about lack of talent. There is a difference between losing and being embarrassed. This team has been unprepared, undisciplined and uninspired.

The plethora of mental errors. Physically, I thought we could match up with some teams, but I can see that I'm wrong about that. But for a guy who preaches mental discipline, Kill seems to be coming up way short in this department.

This. False start, illegal formation, personal foul, block in the back, fumble, interception, repeat.

I'm most disappointed in the large number of Gopher "fans" who've given up on Kill after six games (or fewer, for some).

My children. Complete and utter failures, each and every one of 'em. Not a doctor, lawyer or professional athlete in the bunch.

I'm most disappointed in the large number of Gopher "fans" who've given up on Kill after six games (or fewer, for some).
I am disappointed that you can't see that the players are getting worse. That is all on the coaches.

I'm still supportive of Kill. I'm must disappointed in the mental errors. There's a shared responsibility between the coaches and players for them, but it's still disappointing.

Actually, I am going to agree with magpie. Stuff happens! We don't have a lot of depth at key positions. Our QB cramps up during the first 2 or 3 games and then has a toe injury. So we wind up with our biggest potential difference maker part time during all but one game and out completely last week. MG should have been building on week one but instead has to restart.

Our coach has a huge mountain to climb. He has been part time too. Everything that has happened to Kill has certainly been one more distraction to a team that has had an amazing amount of distractions. This job can not be done part time. We need a strong head coach to lead us out of this 50 year old hole that we are in. I believe that Kill can do it but only if he is healthy.

Not only do our players go 'here we go again' but our fans do the same. "Fire Kill" posts abound on the 2 top forums. Firing coaches is definitely the answer. Look how successful we have been with that approach over the last five years, excuse me 50 years.

How about taking a stance that we are going to struggle again for a couple of years. If Kill can stay healthy let him build the program. Recruits will come because they certainly will get a chance to play early, etc. I know it hurts! I sat through the entire game on TV and it did hurt. I got over it. Negativity does not work. I am not saying that we should all put on rose colored glasses but let's support the process. There really is not a lot of choice anyway.

I am disappointed that you can't see that the players are getting worse. That is all on the coaches.

Which is exactly what Kill suggested might happen at the start of the year..."things may get worse before they get better." Give the guy a chance to do his job!

I am disappointed that you can't see that the players are getting worse. That is all on the coaches.

I disagree that players are getting worse out there. You could possibly argue some kids are getting pulled quickly after making mistakes and being replaced by younger inexperienced players.

Kill won't ever come out and say it but right now I think winning is the last thing on his mind. Right now I think he is just trying to see who he has for players and who he can build around. He knows he isn't expected to win right now and has no pressure so he is running guys in an out of the game (i.e. pulling Olsen after late hit penatly if even for one play) and worried about teaching.

This program needs consistency. If he is still getting beat consistently this bad in year 3 and 4 then start to worry about the coach that was hired.

The coaching. I like Kill and I think he's the man for the job right now and I support him. However, I expected more from him and his staff. Looks like we just have to wait until he gets his players in here. Doesn't look like they can adjust too much for what they have. Also, his health had to have some effects.

This offense. It is one of the worst I've ever seen. The decision by Kill to play Gray today dissapoints me. Gray will never be a good enough QB.

The offensive playcalling disappoints me.

My biggest beef is going with Gray. Won't ever understand it. This makes me the most angry. Shortell botched a handoff today and gets benched, Gray goes 4 for 13 with a pick six and goes out for the next series. All season long this offense has sucked under Gray and Kill keeps putting him out there. No rhythm, not enough points, gives our defense no hope, but good ole Jer is going to stick with him and not give the better QB a legitmate chance. Also, don't be afraid to let Shortell throw the ball at the start of the game!!! Hell, you let him throw it from his own 21 yard line first play of his college career against USC at the LA Coliseum!!! Then, on his second series ever ya let him throw it on first down from his own 17 yard line and he drove the length of the field for a touchdown for God sake! I'd much rather watch him get to play 80% of the time than Gray!!! Watching Gray try to run an offense is painful!!! If our offense is going to score 10 points against Purdue I would at least like to see Shortell get 80 % of the playing time!!! Give him more of a damn chance!!!!!

The negativity of the vast majority of the fans. Not having the kid's backs. B!tching at Kill- I mean really? It's year 1. He's a great guy, so give him time.

The fact that we're so bad, Purdue couldn't get enough people interested to sell out half their stadium. What a crowd out there today.

So many to look at but here are my biggest head scratchers.

#1. With all of Kill's talk about the teaming being bad before the year had even started I cant understand why he is wasting true freshman on the field this year. If he knows we are going to lose why the heck waste these players year when they could work on getting bigger, stronger, and more developed for next year?

#2. The lack of big plays when they are needed. 3rd downs on offense and defense and the games against NMST and NDSU. The opponents went right at the Gophers and ran them over. Sure the Gophers may not be the best team around but it reminds me of the past Gopher Defenses under Mason. 3rd down and 25 and you were not sure the Gophers could make a stop. The thing is at some point you need to step up and make a play even if its just a tackle or get some push from the O-line and we simply dont.

#3. The most telling thing of the year to me. When I watch the Gophers play this season I see a team that is far less competitive as they were a year ago even under Brewster. Kill is supposed to be a good coach and maybe with "his players" he will be but as far as getting the currents players on the same page its not happening. I just cant imagine what this team will be like next season I just hope we see some real improvement. I am not sure this team will be in a Big Ten game all season and that is pretty sad.

General ineptitude, including attitude. Email Kaler to get a new AD and a new coach - maybe Horton would be willing to be an interim coach for a year while a big deal search goes on. This is the worst Gopher team, '83 possibly excepted, since I began watching Gopher football half a century ago.
Yes, let us fire our coach now, 6 games into his first year, and coaches will just be lining up to take over this program! Whoops, meant to say HIGH SCHOOL coaches.

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