What BADger Chants Should we Get Going on Wednesday ???

Full Speed Ahead

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
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The end of the Michigan game gave us lots of great material to work with.

As time winds down on the Gophers win, "We singing victory"

We got the spirit, yes we do, we got the spirit, how about you?

Oh, and this, even though he's no longer coaching it still applies:

Go Gophers!!

I still laugh that the announcers were silent for so much of it. It's clear as day 😂😂

We got the spirit, yes we do, we got the spirit, how about you?

Oh, and this, even though he's no longer coaching it still applies:

Go Gophers!!
HA it must be a sign of my age that the first thing I noticed the length of their shorts. We got a little too wild there a bit with the ones that looked like 5x's on everyone, but man i just cant do it now with the schmediums on everyone! I just ask that my knees are covered, is that too much ha.

I also like the CALL TIME OUT chant but that wont work if we are losing, if we happen to be up by 10+ with a minute left this 100% must be chanted.

JU-wan HOW-ard . . . . .BITCH-slaps COW-ards . . . . . wash rinse repeat…

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