What are the odds on Limegrover


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
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Okay, I am not saying any coach will be asked to go this year or even need to be replaced. This is a prediction study of sorts. How many threads will pop up by January calling for a change of ANY coach on the team? What might the thread titles read and who will be starting them? :cool:

Program is on the rise because of Aide de Camp Limey not inspite of Aide De Camp Limey. Do yourself a favor and go to an off season Gopher football Goal Line meeting and speak with him. You will be amazed.

Another award winning post from Dean S........

zero chance. this has been established before


The Gophers need better QB play before I start asking people to step down.

Okay, I am not saying any coach will be asked to go this year or even need to be replaced. This is a prediction study of sorts. How many threads will pop up by January calling for a change of ANY coach on the team? What might the thread titles read and who will be starting them? :cool:

I am sure that if we struggle there will be threads calling for coordinators heads and what not but they are totally pointless because Kill will NEVER fire Limegrover or Claeys unless they do something so bad that he has no choice but to fire them (something off the field). It just won't happen.

I am sure that if we struggle there will be threads calling for coordinators heads and what not but they are totally pointless because Kill will NEVER fire Limegrover or Claeys unless they do something so bad that he has no choice but to fire them (something off the field). It just won't happen.


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