What 2 former players.....?

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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What 2 former players would you most want to see as a member of the current squad.

One has to be "from the head" and one has to be "from the heart".

If you pick more than one for each category the buzzer will sound and you do not get to move on to the bonus round.

From my head: I guess the obvoius choice would be Bronco Nagurski, but I will go with Karl Mecklenburg, this years team could use a nasty LB to shore up the D.

From the heart: Chris Cohen. I graduated with him and played ball with him from pee wee's to high school. Great guy, great athlete.

Speaking of Nagurski, was anyone else thinking along with me during the second half of the NIU game that we should just bench our entire defensive squad and suit up the Nagurski family, couldn't have been much worse and Granny looked like she could tackle and wouldn't be afraid to wrap up.

Only going by players I've actually seen play...

From the head: Tyrone Carter
From the heart: Darrell Thompson, the Rochester Rocket. I love that guy. :)

From the head: Tyrone Carter. He would solve a lot of problems real fast on defense.
From the heart: Rickey Foggie. Watching him play is a big reason why I'm a Gopher fan. I could use that again.

I'm only picking guys that I've seen.

From the head: TC. The guy had everything - heart, leadership, passion, energy, amazing instincts, awesome tackling ability, etc.

From the heart: Jermaine Mays - that guy had a crazy ability to block kicks that could change a game in a hurry. We haven't had that since.

Go Gophers!!

We need defense this year.

Head: Tyrone Carter
Heart: Bobby Bell

Head - Karon Riley
Heart - Thomas Tapeh

Marion Barber III and Asad Abdul-Kaliq

Head: Bobby Bell (solves a huge need on the line)
Heart: MB3

I think this team clearly needs Defense, I, like others, am going to limit this list to guys I've personally seen play.

Therefore, from the

head: Tyrone Carter

heart: Willie VDS, he could really play D end and was a try hard type to motivate guys around him.

Obviously there are some all-time greats that would clearly make a difference, but I'll go with some players I actually saw play.

Head: TC - gotta agree with the majority here, he knew how to line up on defense, and make plays.
Heart: Ben West - he might have been slow as hell - but he was always in position to tackle the runner.

Tyrone Carter
Greg Eslinger-good center would shore up a lot of offensive line problems.

Some interesting replies so far. I think we need a tough nosed LB (this was tougher to decide on than I thought) so:

Head: Sean Hoffman
Heart: Thomas Tapeh

Tyrone Carter (amazing D, amazing instincts)
Ron Johnson (grew up w Ray calling Ron Johnson TDs and loved it)

As an opponent, I think if you could add Maroney and Ron Johnson, your offense would look completely different, and would be good enough to carry your team to 7-8 more wins.

Eslinger and Riley

If a third is o.k., Chip Lohmiller.

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