Westerhaus Hurt

Here's hoping for a quick recovery for Mr. Westerhaus.

All timer

Just glad the young man is going to heal.

I know you are surprised to see this post. No, I am not leaving this site. Though, I am sure my behavior has been leading you to believe otherwise. I am very sorry, northerngopher. I am sorry that I have not been giving you time. I am sorry for dumping all the posting pressures on you. I am sorry for taking you for granted. I am sorry for the yelling and the fights. But most importantly, my friend, I am sorry, for not showing you how much I love your thread, lately.

Earlier today, I heard you cry in the bathroom. It made my heart break. I promised you the joys and comforts of this message board, when I signed the terms of service. But, I guess, I lost my way a bit. The work pressures and my boss have been driving me insane. I need you guys through all this. Gopherhole is my strength, my love. I promise to improve. Though it might take sometime, I hope you will be patient with your ol' friend Kuato.

Northerngopher and all of Gopherhole, I really am sorry, and I hope you understand that I feel terrible for putting you through so much pain. I can't stand to see the tears in your eyes, and I feel horrible for causing them. Please forgive me my friends. I promise to improve, and soon.

I can't say much more, but I am sure you know what's in my heart. You know my every post, my each keystroke. Let's mend this together. Let's make it what is was.

I would like to put this regrettable experience behind me. Please accept this poem as a token of my utmost sincerity to all Gopherholers.

There’s so many times I’ve let you down
So many times I’ve played around
I tell you now, they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go, Ill think of you
Every song I sing, Ill sing for you

Loads of Love/ I Love You, Kuato Lives!

Not to aid in sidetracking this thread, but man is this hilarious LOL

Also, that cut looked sick. Wish him the best in recovery. I can't get the video to play, but I assume he'll be good to go soon.

There’s so many times I’ve let you down
So many times I’ve played around
I tell you now, they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go, Ill think of you
Every song I sing, Ill sing for you

Come on Kuato, a footnote crediting John Denver for your poem should have been included. Apology failed.

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