

Oct 30, 2013
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Ahh guys, if we really want Reid, let's show him some love! Tweet at him!

I like the idea to tweet at him with #WeNeedReid. Side note: no, we will not get sanctioned by the NCAA for committing a recruiting violation. ;)

About 10 tweets so far, endorsed by the Gopher Report and Gopherhole. Nice work!

Maybe tweet something about the Gophers, so he knows it's Minnesota fans tweeting at him.

Good idea... We do need him.

Kinda hurt Macura decided to go else where. Can't miss out on all our hometown talent.

I'll be tweeting him, that's a good way to petition and promote recruiting.

Good call. Anyone have any other ideas?


You can't just try to start a trend and then change it. There's no unity in that, and #WeNeedReid doesn't come off as desperate, and Reid probably likes it!

You can't just try to start a trend and then change it. There's no unity in that, and #WeNeedReid doesn't come off as desperate, and Reid probably likes it!

Let's keep rolling with #WeNeedReid! Maybe closer to signing day, we could all tweet at him with a new hashtag.

Great idea with the hashtag.

Come on people, so far this is sitting at about 20 ... Gopher fans should get the count up over 100 by tomorrow, for cryin' out loud!

Just make sure you don't misspell it and put a 'w' instead of the 'r'.

We need to put on the full court press, especially after Looney chose UCLA. Show Reid some love GHers!

Pretty sure she is a DU grad.

She's a prof there.

After doing some random Wikipedia-ing regarding Rice, I found out she was once engaged to former Minnesota WR Rick Upchurch (never heard of him).

There have been a ton of #WeNeedReid tweets that haven't actually been tweeted at him. Remember, you need to tweet it at him for him to see it. @Reid_Travis_22 Keep it up! Doing great! By the way, with a couple days left should we switch up the hashtag to #BecomeLegendary? Or just roll with #WeNeedReid?

Let's keep it up! Can't slow down in the last three days! #WeNeedReid

Go gophers!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Tomorrow at this time, <a href="https://twitter.com/Reid_Travis_22">@Reid_Travis_22</a> will make his college decision known at DeLaSalle HS!! <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WeNeedReid&src=hash">#WeNeedReid</a>!!!!!!! <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SkiUMah&src=hash">#SkiUMah</a>!!</p>— GopherHole.com (@GopherHole) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherHole/statuses/398563327154331648">November 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
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