Weird Dream (just for fun)

short ornery norwegian

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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I had the screwiest dream Saturday night. I dreamed that the Gophers were playing Iowa, and it was raining so hard that the field was a swamp (not sure if it was at TCF or Iowa) - so they moved the game out into the parking lot! Iowa was in a 4th-down situation, and normally would have kicked a field goal, but there were no goal posts to kick at, so they went for it on 4th down and the Gopher defense stopped them. Then I woke up, and started laughing because the dream was so bizarre.

That's all I can remember of the dream - but it was one for the books. Just thought I'd share that with the group. Feel free to provide your own interpretation of what it means.

Oedipus complex for sure. The goal posts represent....oh, never mind.

What uni combo were we wearing?

I had a gopher related dream a few weeks ago that I remember. I was somehow able to join the team as a walk-on just by signing up but since I signed up too late the other walk-ons got to suit up in pads and I just had to stand on the sidelines with just a jersey since they had ran out of helmets and pads. Right before the game started the whole team went on jet skis and motor boats and we had a race to see who could get down to the other side of the Mississippi river.

Any interpretations on that one?

I had a gopher related dream a few weeks ago that I remember. I was somehow able to join the team as a walk-on just by signing up but since I signed up too late the other walk-ons got to suit up in pads and I just had to stand on the sidelines with just a jersey since they had ran out of helmets and pads. Right before the game started the whole team went on jet skis and motor boats and we had a race to see who could get down to the other side of the Mississippi river.

Any interpretations on that one?

How much pee was in your bed when you woke up?

So, two different wet dreams by two different GH fans. Huh.

By the sounds of it, s.o.n. definitely had a wet dream. I think what everyone wants to know is where was Lois in all of this?

It must be we are all amped for the game. The dream I had was totally weird. I was in the kitchen baking brownies with Glen Mason. Honest to god!

Definitely a Scandianavian wet dream... Too much time in the North Woods?

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