Weber Signs with Roughriders

My favorite CFL team and defending champions. Troy Stoudemire is also on the team.

I hope he does succeed. With all the tough luck he had here with all the different coaches etc., it will be fun to see how he pans out up in the north country.

It will be interesting. Weber has a lot of traits that a CFL qb needs. Mobile, tough, and throws the right kind of ball (strong arm but with loft- with the wide field you need this). That said, what differentiates the qbs is interceptions. The good ones throw very few, the mediocre ones a ton. Saskatchewan is a good place to land (if he sticks). The current QB is the best in the league so he will not be asked to start. With the difference in rules, QBs generally need 1-2 years before it all starts slowing down.

PS Highwayman you are dead to me now.

PPS Hope Adam and Troy like big haired and hefty ladies.

The Star Phoenix: Weber's ready to give the CFL a try

Adam Weber is preparing for his first foray into the CFL, but the league isn't completely foreign to him.

As a kid growing up in Minnesota, he had heard of the league just across the border.

"Some bigger-name guys from America came out of there, like Doug Flutie and Warren Moon," Weber said Monday, referring to two quarterbacks who went from the CFL to the NFL.

"Obviously I'd seen some of those names, but I'd never caught too many games.

"I definitely got more interested (in the CFL) as I finished up at college. It has become a great feeder system for the NFL and there's a lot of great players up there.

I definitely have learned more as time has gone on."

Go Gophers!!

I wonder what the contract terms are like up there for a backup QB.

A back-up with a bit of experience is about 100 000. At this point Weber is battling with ex- Texas tech QB Seth Droege to be third string. I suspect he signed for 60-75 K, guaranteed only if he makes the team.

Here is a thread on Weber form a Rider fan site:

Three pages but not much info.

Whenever my career has its periodic lulls and I think I'll never get anywhere, I think of Adam Weber. If he can continue to convince people to pay him to play football...there's hope for all of us to succeed at whatever we want to do.

Kind of favorite sickness is a cold.... or, my favorite bill to pay is utilities.

You should watch a game once in a while. Very entertaining game. At least Bud Grant thought so.

Arland "Miracle Catch" Bruce has put together an exceptional career in the CFL.

Could be we may see him again in the NFL, even as a bona fide backup.

Well at least they renamed Ottawa the RedBlacks so now I don't have to guess which Roughriders team he's on.

My cousins have a farm up in Saskatchewan, so the Sask Roughriders are my favorite CFL team. Hopefully Adam does well up there.

I've never been to a CFL game. Maybe I'll take a trip up to Winnipeg when the Roughriders play there.

You should watch a game once in a while. Very entertaining game. At least Bud Grant thought so.

Arland "Miracle Catch" Bruce has put together an exceptional career in the CFL.

You're right, it can be entertaining.

I was thinking it could be even more entertaining if Donald Sterling bought a Canadian team and immediately signed Bruce, Richie Incognito, Aaron Hernandez, and Michael Vick.

Dang....The headline was misleading. I thought Adam inked an endorsement deal with a condom company. Best of luck!

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