Rosemountain is correct that UST will not look to go DI as they have no desire to rebuild their facilities to accomodate such move. It was discussed several years back prior to the new building but was decided that the costs far outweighed the benefit in addition to not having the space to further expand. With their current enrollment and status in DIII, there is no incentive to consider making a move to DII financially nor would a move enhance their academic reputation which is the driving source of their huge endowment funding. UST gets as much benefit reputation wise and financially (or more)with their success at the DIII level as they would ever see at the DII level. Just look at the regional universities at the DII level that have had athletic success lately (UMD - National champions for football two of the last three years, prominent hockey program, Winona State, Mankato for basketball). None of these schools holds a candle to the alumni and corporate support that UST has currently has. UST will simply continue to enjoy the benefits of being one of the most prominent DIII sports programs in the country and the new agreement with WCCO will only enhance this position.