Gophers7NatTitlesBadgers0 New Orleans 2020 Joined Jul 27, 2013 Messages 10,103 Reaction score 3,770 Points 113 Nov 18, 2022 #1 This apparently sounds like a good possibility so let's hear your thoughts!
B bonin21 Well-known member Joined Feb 4, 2014 Messages 3,222 Reaction score 1,313 Points 113 Nov 18, 2022 #2 Another team that is too far for a road trip and therefore won't be much of a rivalry at all. Cool.
C Cake City New member Joined Dec 9, 2022 Messages 4 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Dec 10, 2022 #3 I know a few Husky fans, and they both think the Huskies are superior to most BIG teams in football. So, I'm hoping they come to the BIG and can be taught a lesson or two.
I know a few Husky fans, and they both think the Huskies are superior to most BIG teams in football. So, I'm hoping they come to the BIG and can be taught a lesson or two.