Was pulling Demry Croft's redshirt a good decision?

Was pulling Demry Croft's RS a good decision?

  • Yes, he got valuable snaps that helped push Leidner, and prepared Croft for the future.

    Votes: 18 21.2%
  • No, he did not benefit from his snaps and I'd rather he had 4 years eligibility left.

    Votes: 67 78.8%

  • Total voters
Another point worth considering is once you redshirt a player, they are unlikely to transfer. Hopefully doesn't happen but now Croft can look around and not have it affect his eligibility. Gopher need to get to point where they have 3-4 legitimate D-1 QBs. Been a long time since our third string QB was a viable emergency option.

You say that like it's easy to have a situation like Ohio State. 90% of FBS teams don't have two legit D1 QBs.

You say that like it's easy to have a situation like Ohio State. 90% of FBS teams don't have two legit D1 QBs.

Maybe I wasn't very clear or should have used the term scholarship instead of legitimate. Gophers need 3-4 scholarship QBs who are ready to play (and may play well or may not). Right now, there are two and one is a true freshman.

Another point worth considering is once you redshirt a player, they are unlikely to transfer. Hopefully doesn't happen but now Croft can look around and not have it affect his eligibility. <B>Gopher need to get to point where they have 3-4 legitimate D-1 QBs. </B>Been a long time since our third string QB was a viable emergency option.

Is that all?

Kill lost his mud in the game when he put in Croft. ya know how it is , you see enough garbage work that you finally stand over the employee and say show me how you do X Y and Z. Kill got fed up with the 'Leidner is ready' baloney and Claeys has demonstrated that he won't stand for it. Go ask Cameron Coffman at WY if he would like to play another yr of NCAA football at the U?

Demry saw action in 3 games this year. He was 7/17 passing for 34 yards. He rushed the all 9 times for 38 yards. Was pulling his RS a good decision?

TC could redshirt him next year if someone else emerges as a viable back-up. I suspect Croft will put on some lbs and compete for the starting job in the Spring. Live, strong, accurate arm, mobile. I've said this before...he was the best QB at the Fall scrimmage, hand's down.

Three viable options at QB? What NFL team can even say that? Lol, QB is a crapshoot at every level.

Three viable options at QB? What NFL team can even say that? Lol, QB is a crapshoot at every level.

however-- unlike the NFL who can pick up players any time during the year college teams do need to start the year with 4 scholarship quarterbacks. NFL teams mostly have 2 or max 3 filling a roster spot because the all know there is a dozen fill ins for emergencies waiting to get signed. Our depth at QB has been horrible for several years with way to many early departures

Irrelevant. It was pulled.

How is this possibly irrelevant?

If this is an irrelevant conversation, is there such a thing as a relevant conversation about anything that happened in the past?

At the time his red shirt was pulled, what was the mindset of the GOphers coaches?

They were never faced with so much pressure like they at the time which is compounded by the stress of Jerry Kill doing three jobs and the return of his seizures. IMHO, they were lucky to be 5-7.

I am thinking Ctoft was not happy wasting a year on this. I also am predicting that either Parra or Croft transfer.

Do you have nothing better to do than troll?

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Claey's said Leidner needs off-season foot surgery. Wouldn't it make sense to get that done now and let Croft handle the bowl game?

Depends what the surgery is and the expected recovery time

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Do you have nothing better to do than troll?

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are you referring to my transfer comment? I have spoken with someone close to one of them and there at least thinking of their options. I hope they both stay as we can seem to keep qb's around here. If you thinking I am a fan of a rival with your troll comment that is no where close to being accurate.-- a long time ST holder until this year

Perra or Rhoda will look good in a Johnnie uniform...

are you referring to my transfer comment? I have spoken with someone close to one of them and there at least thinking of their options. I hope they both stay as we can seem to keep qb's around here. If you thinking I am a fan of a rival with your troll comment that is no where close to being accurate.-- a long time ST holder until this year

The obvious downside in one or both of those guys leaving is the severe lack of depth at the position. Sure neither is likely to ever be needed in a game but you still need guys to run the scout team in practice in order to give the defense a good look at what the other team is going to try and do. Hopefully they both stick around for that aspect alone.

As for the idea someone else had of Mitch having surgery now and giving Croft the bowl game the only reason you would do something like that is if the surgery had a really long recovery window that would push out until the start of next fall camp. If Mitch can have the surgery after the bowl game and be ready for spring ball or even miss spring ball and be ready before fall camp you wait. Winning the bowl game is important and considering how short handed the offensive staff is already without a OC, OL and QB coach you don't also take your lone experienced QB out of the equation.

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