Wall Street Journal: A Radical Realignment Plan for College Football


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the WSJ:

The question of who plays whom in college football is a lot trickier than it sounds. It drove the last wave of conference realignment, and it may come roaring back next month, with the NCAA leadership deciding whether to offer its five power conferences more autonomy, since conference commissioners have threatened to break away from the NCAA if the new governance structure is voted down.

What a "Division IV" in college sports would look like is still anyone's guess. But two Ohio State sports researchers have an idea: What if schools were sorted into conferences based on their football strength?

To do that, Jonathan Jensen and Brian Turner chose to ignore geography and tradition, the typical forces in conference realignment. Instead, they focused solely on football and its financial implications, coming up with a formula that factored in every team's football revenue, winning percentage, computer ranking and attendance between 2003 and 2013. Then they sorted teams into clusters to figure out which schools were most alike—and should be playing each other.


Go Gophers!!

Sounds great, run it like professional soccer with promotions and relegations...

Sounds great, run it like professional soccer with promotions and relegations...

I have always liked promotion and relegation. If you want to stay in the top division, you should have to stay relevant. And it prevents the NDSU's of the world from repeatedly running up the score in the JV division without needing to ever put up or shut up against the big boys.

I have always liked promotion and relegation. If you want to stay in the top division, you should have to stay relevant. And it prevents the NDSU's of the world from repeatedly running up the score in the JV division without needing to ever put up or shut up against the big boys.

I have a friend who played professional basketball in Germany and they used promotion/relegation on an annual basis. Like Nate said, soccer works that way as well. I don't know if it would work in this particular instance given the importance of on-going rivalries to ticket sales/fan interest, but this is an interesting thought exercise if nothing else.

Great - Splitting up the haves and have-nots.

Isn't there already a problem with declining attendance overall across conferences?

Greed will ultimately destroy amateur college football.

They might as well call it the NFL farm system.

American sports are better due to parity. A relegation system would create an EPL like league where the best are always the best. No thanks.

Even the Wall Street Journal needs filler material. No matter how bogus the premise.

American sports are better due to parity. A relegation system would create an EPL like league where the best are always the best. No thanks.

No better example than the NFL. Lot's of money and lot's of arrogance.

No better example than the NFL. Lot's of money and lot's of arrogance.

And the most popular sport in America. The NFL knows what it is doing, unlike MLB and NBA which suffer for allowing decade long dynasties.

Since no one else pointed it out - the Gophers were not included in their 4 clusters. Not surprising, considering the time frame used for the story.

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