Victor Keise is doing his thing, again!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Vic won the district championship in the high and triple jump (can you imagine him just leaping over defenders next year??), and came in 3rd in the 300 hurdles.

They have regionals next Saturday. Congrats, Victor - a 3 sport athlete that excels in all of his endeavors!

Keise is one player that many have overlooked on this board, methinks. I hope he turns out to be a good one! Excellent work on your athletic prowess Vic!

Congrats to Victor!

Here is the link to the results

6'2" in the HJ, 41'6" in the TJ, and 42.56 in the 300 hurdles. Nothing super impressive there, but he's coming here to be a football player and not a track star and you certainly don't have to be one to be the other! Woud love to pry his teammate Ethan Grant away from Oregon (10.79 in the 100, 14.40 in the 200, and I know he was state champ in the 300 hurdles last year) to come up north with Victor.

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