Very, very poor coaching tonight

Handsome Pete

Wartime Hero Fool
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
The players are out of control, undisciplined and totally unfocused. There is no offensive game plan. The personnel is mismatched and horrible together. Can't shoot free throws. No fundamentals at all on this team. Unbelievable.


Isnt that about what you said with the football team?

sad but unfortunately true. we look lost out there and not playing with heart at all

Is Cobbs so not ready that he can't play instead of Westbrook? What little I've seen, he can at least handle the ball and plays with some control.

Just brutal offensive execution to close the game out. So much for having experienced guards.

Gold Rush said it best in the chat - this is all Tim Brewster's fault.

Tubby is too comfortable here. he knows he is the best thing to happen to minnesota sports in quite a while. I kinda question his desire to win, he just seems to be coasting. we know he is much better then we have been seeing this year.

sad but unfortunately true. we look lost out there and not playing with heart at all

I disagree. We always play really hard. We don't always play smart, under control, or smart, and we're not that good, but players go all out pretty much every play. You can't question Al Nolen's desire to win, but when you have no offensive skills, desire to win isn't worth much.

Tubby is too comfortable here. he knows he is the best thing to happen to minnesota sports in quite a while. I kinda question his desire to win, he just seems to be coasting. we know he is much better then we have been seeing this year.

I assume you mean after the Butler game, huh? Must have just decided to pack it in. Go back to the Kentucky board, idiot. You can accuse him of being a bad coach if you want - and I'd disagree with that too - but its a pretty sad effort to come on here after a loss and say he doesn't want to win and that he's coasting. Give me some specifics to back up that claim, other than they've lost some games we thought they'd win.

I agree with what many are saying here, especially dex8425. He's right, the Minnesota players try hard, but they simply don't have outstanding basketball skills. Tell me the centerpiece of this offense? Westbrook? No way.
Good coaching, good defense, no basketball skills.
I've said this a million times before, but Minnesota is simply playing with 3-star players in a 4-star league. The only way a team can get by with 2/3-star talent is by having a proven offensive system or gameplan like Wisconsin. You can't go out and simply win with players that are second and third-rate recruits.

when i said they don't play with heart i was referring to the last 2 mins of the game when we turned the ball over like what 4 times in a row and just didnt seem to care that much

We dont have the talent to overcome the lack of depth, we need the three players to add the talent,experience,rebounding and high percentage baskets. if we dont get those guys back we arent going to have a better year than last year because of the more difficult schedule

I assume you mean after the Butler game, huh? Must have just decided to pack it in. Go back to the Kentucky board, idiot. You can accuse him of being a bad coach if you want - and I'd disagree with that too - but its a pretty sad effort to come on here after a loss and say he doesn't want to win and that he's coasting. Give me some specifics to back up that claim, other than they've lost some games we thought they'd win.

"Security," Smith said. "I'm secure with who I am, what my program is all about, what we're going to do and how we're going to do things. For young coaches, it's just hard -- the pressure to win. But I'm at the stage in my career -- I've been doing this 36 years -- where there's nothing that's going to faze me, and the players understand that."

i agree with the action that prompted this quote (sitting nolan and westbrook) but its not hard to read between the lines here.

I didn't say tubby was a bad coach. In fact, i said he is a very good coach. I dont want him to leave, like I said he is the best thing to happen to minnesota sports in a while. The fact that I know he is a very good coach makes me wonder what the hell is going on. Why is the offense so consistently bad? Why has he been out coached several times this year? Why do we have no good inbounds plays? Why do we not have a set rotation? Why is ralph playing more than colt? I dont pretend to be a basketball guru or to know 1/10th that tubby does, but what is going on?

Every loss equals the sooner Tubby realizes he needs to reinstate White, Mbakwe, and Bostick. obviously Trevors situation isnt resolved but now that Royce has the MOA issue all figured out (and assuming he had nothing to do with the laptop incident) i see him back come conference time and Bostick should be back for the homestand i would guess. Royce will get Carter off the floor which is a plus imo, considering i havent been impressed by him at all of late. and even though devron hasnt lived up to his expectations, he is a good shooter and can really light it up at times. This is a tough loss, but we still have plenty of time to turn it around!

"Security," Smith said. "I'm secure with who I am, what my program is all about, what we're going to do and how we're going to do things. For young coaches, it's just hard -- the pressure to win. But I'm at the stage in my career -- I've been doing this 36 years -- where there's nothing that's going to faze me, and the players understand that."

i agree with the action that prompted this quote (sitting nolan and westbrook) but its not hard to read between the lines here.

I didn't say tubby was a bad coach. In fact, i said he is a very good coach. I dont want him to leave, like I said he is the best thing to happen to minnesota sports in a while. The fact that I know he is a very good coach makes me wonder what the hell is going on. Why is the offense so consistently bad? Why has he been out coached several times this year? Why do we have no good inbounds plays? Why do we not have a set rotation? Why is ralph playing more than colt? I dont pretend to be a basketball guru or to know 1/10th that tubby does, but what is going on?

I would argue this ... and I apologize for the "idiot" call in my first response.

1. Offense: The offensize talent that he has is poor. As stated elsewhere on this site, who is their offense centered around? Westbrook? Hoff is one dimensional at this level, Nolen can't shoot, on and on. Is this his fault? He certainly needs to show in the next couple of years that his guys can put the ball in the bucket. I think White and Trevor will help in this regard. This is essentially the same team we had last year and I don't remember anyone thinking we had a bunch or scorers out there.
2. Set rotation: I find his manner of doing this curious and its not how I would coach a team, but he has been consistent in his approach and it yielded good results last year. You can say its a poor choice of how to substitute, but that's a decision he's made for whatever reason, not a lack of effort.
3. OB plays: Honestly I have not watched closely in that regard.
4. Ralph more than Colt? I think Tubby thinks Ralph is better than Colt. Some may disagree. Again, I don't see that as coasting.
5. Outcoached? Again, a matter of opinion. I think he's been on the better side of things in the coaching department in his tenure here. Let's see at the end of the season if we say the same.

As far as the quote, I think you are reading way too much into it. To me, the quote says that he's going to do things the way he thinks will work, and the players better be on board because that's the way it is.

Thanks - Go Gophers

As a UK fan, you are starting to see why we were glad that you took TLT off our hands. This is what tubbyball looks like.

It seemed that you guys were happy with before.

As a UK fan, you are starting to see why we were glad that you took TLT off our hands. This is what tubbyball looks like.

It seemed that you guys were happy with before.

Don't get any ideas about sending Mitch McConnell our way.

when i said they don't play with heart i was referring to the last 2 mins of the game when we turned the ball over like what 4 times in a row and just didnt seem to care that much

That's lack of composure and execution, not heart. If you don't think these kids wanted that game you are dead wrong.

As a UK fan, you are starting to see why we were glad that you took TLT off our hands. This is what tubbyball looks like.

It seemed that you guys were happy with before.

"It seemed that you guys were happy with before." ?????? What the hell kind of sentence is that? A proud graduate(?) of the Kentucky Public school system.

As a UK fan, you are starting to see why we were glad that you took TLT off our hands. This is what tubbyball looks like.

Lol. I'm sure UMass and Memphis were real happy until they vacated their Final Fours.

"It seemed that you guys were happy with before." ?????? What the hell kind of sentence is that? A proud graduate(?) of the Kentucky Public school system.

They got slick John Calipari in there now and are feeling good enough to come kicking Tubby again 3 years later. I'll go on record stating that one way or another, it's not going to end pretty in Lexington for Coach Cal.

"It seemed that you guys were happy with before." ?????? What the hell kind of sentence is that? A proud graduate(?) of the Kentucky Public school system.

Haha! I left out you were happy with IT before. Don't get me wrong, I love minneysota for taking TLT off our hands. That's a big ole slap of the beaver tail right there, eh?

BTW, Ohio State grad here, not UK. Buckeye by birth, UK Wildcat by the grace of God!:D

Haha! I left out you were happy with IT before. Don't get me wrong, I love minneysota for taking TLT off our hands. That's a big ole slap of the beaver tail right there, eh?

BTW, Ohio State grad here, not UK. Buckeye by birth, UK Wildcat by the grace of God!:D

Enjoy your season now, because it won't exist according to the NCAA in three years.

I agree with what many are saying here, especially dex8425. He's right, the Minnesota players try hard, but they simply don't have outstanding basketball skills. Tell me the centerpiece of this offense? Westbrook? No way.
Good coaching, good defense, no basketball skills.
I've said this a million times before, but Minnesota is simply playing with 3-star players in a 4-star league. The only way a team can get by with 2/3-star talent is by having a proven offensive system or gameplan like Wisconsin. You can't go out and simply win with players that are second and third-rate recruits.


Two words: Bobby Knight

And your Wisconsin reference just makes the point that good coaching can overcome the so-called 5 star talent deficit.

I would argue this ... and I apologize for the "idiot" call in my first response.

1. Offense: The offensize talent that he has is poor. As stated elsewhere on this site, who is their offense centered around? Westbrook? Hoff is one dimensional at this level, Nolen can't shoot, on and on. Is this his fault? He certainly needs to show in the next couple of years that his guys can put the ball in the bucket. I think White and Trevor will help in this regard. This is essentially the same team we had last year and I don't remember anyone thinking we had a bunch or scorers out there.
2. Set rotation: I find his manner of doing this curious and its not how I would coach a team, but he has been consistent in his approach and it yielded good results last year. You can say its a poor choice of how to substitute, but that's a decision he's made for whatever reason, not a lack of effort.
3. OB plays: Honestly I have not watched closely in that regard.
4. Ralph more than Colt? I think Tubby thinks Ralph is better than Colt. Some may disagree. Again, I don't see that as coasting.
5. Outcoached? Again, a matter of opinion. I think he's been on the better side of things in the coaching department in his tenure here. Let's see at the end of the season if we say the same.

As far as the quote, I think you are reading way too much into it. To me, the quote says that he's going to do things the way he thinks will work, and the players better be on board because that's the way it is.

Thanks - Go Gophers

Good, because you are not a coach!!! Are you serious!? I was wondering when someone on here would come and say: "That's not how I would coach." Haha! Congratulations, you are the first one to OFFICIALLY say "I would coach the team different than Tubby." It's totally different when someone actually comes out on this message board and says they would coach a different way than a Hall of Famer and a national champion!

This emperor has no clothes. I'm convinced the coach has no clue as to how to coach offensive basketball. I'm also convinced these kids play hard for him. He's got plenty of talent to win 20 games. Will he? That seems highly doubtful now. Watching UW vs. Duke, it was like night and day in terms of movement off the ball, shot selection, sharing the rock, free throw form, inbounds play, etc. I saw some fear in Tubby's eyes tonight. He's not as fat and happy here as some would like to believe. He needs to win, or the cash-starved fan will stay away. I'm not holding my breath for improvement...we're a third into the season and there's been no improvement whatsoever.

This emperor has no clothes. I'm convinced the coach has no clue as to how to coach offensive basketball. I'm also convinced these kids play hard for him. He's got plenty of talent to win 20 games. Will he? That seems highly doubtful now. Watching UW vs. Duke, it was like night and day in terms of movement off the ball, shot selection, sharing the rock, free throw form, inbounds play, etc. I saw some fear in Tubby's eyes tonight. He's not as fat and happy here as some would like to believe. He needs to win, or the cash-starved fan will stay away. I'm not holding my breath for improvement...we're a third into the season and there's been no improvement whatsoever.

Well, you're wrong in saying there is no improvement, there obviously has been in recruiting, in defense, in winning games, in national ranking,etc. Disparaging an obviously great coach is no way to make your point, and a bit uncool.

One thing I agree with you is it's hard not to be envious watching the offensive flow of Wisconsin.
Are our offensive troubles:
1. A lack of a cohesive game plan like Wisconsin has ?(or Purdue or Northwestern - many teams could fit here) We seem to not have identifiable offensive scheme. Those of you who know hoops better than me and disagree please weigh in.
2. A lack of scorers? Or scorers without confidence?
3. A lack of chemistry between the players? It seems our bigs get in position and the guards aren't looking for them. It seems Westbrook tries to do too much and stalls the offense.
4. Or just part of the growing pains of 13 guys learning to play five at a time together and unified?
It's been cool to see the pick-and-roll develop.

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