Venting thread


Oct 17, 2009
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This thread is here for you to vent your pent-up, frustrated feelings about the University of Minnesota men's basketball program, which right now is losing by 12 against a team that has won exactly 2 conference games in its last 54 tries. It's healthy...let it go!

The Gophers will be a better team the moment Ralph Sampson is no longer part of it. The same could be said for Tubby Smith.

going to be a long year again. DePaul picked dead last in the Big East and they can do anything they want out there. NIT bound for sure.

This first half was a huge FAIL. Hopefully the second half is something different.


Please please only use 6 or 7 guys in the 2nd half. Please Tubby.

Wow. This is just ugly. Every time they make a run they give it away.

Why does smith hate Dre and Oto and like Mav and Welch? This could be the poorest 3 pt. shooting team in the big tens modern era.

I suppose, but maybe, just maybe, Big Ten standards are a little higher than that.

BigGopherFan said:
Why does smith hate Dre and Oto and like Mav and Welch? This could be the poorest 3 pt. shooting team in the big tens modern era.

Dre has three fouls dip*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.

Eliason is a Division 3 player. This team has trouble with the basics. wow.

Easy with the hand in the air Welch. You're not good enough to be cocky.

BigGopherFan said:
Calm down. I know that. I still don't think he likes him spazoid.

He's a starter. Keep those brilliant takes coming.

We just took our first lead since the first half.

Good thing our players don't quit the way our so called fans do.

Can we finally accept, once and for all, Tubby has lost it as a head coach? Yes, this was a win, but there remains no offensive flow, in-bounds passes are an adventure at best, no three-point defense even with weeks to work on it and most damning of all, players like Sampson get worse under Tubby's tutelage. He's the most overrated coach in D1.

That was a close game. but a win is a win and i will take that.

Can we finally accept, once and for all, Tubby has lost it as a head coach? Yes, this was a win, but there remains no offensive flow, in-bounds passes are an adventure at best, no three-point defense even with weeks to work on it and most damning of all, players like Sampson get worse under Tubby's tutelage. He's the most overrated coach in D1.

um...overreact much? wow...

I'll agree that the half court offense is often frustrating to watch, but a huge part of that over the past two years has been our backcourt issues. the last fifteen minutes of the game showed much better energy on defense which contributed to better flow on the offensive end. I'll start to worry more when we lose to teams like Depaul this year. until then, I'm just enjoying a great comeback.

Good thing our players don't quit the way our so called fans do.

THANK YOU, thoughts exactly

Hasn't LittleGopherFan been burned enough in the past to understand that basketball is a two-half game?

Go Gophers! Beat Indiana St!

Happy Thanksgiving all!

That was a close game. but a win is a win and i will take that.

And right back at you. Have some standards, man. This was a poorly played game and coached even more pathetically. As I said, yes, it's a win, but I expect more from a coach paid as well as Tubby is. No top half finishes in the Big Ten during his tenure here. Not a single NCAA win. No evidence of improvement. Maybe your ok with mediocrity, but I think the University and its fans deserve more.

Whoops. Attached to the wrong reply. But I stand by the point in the message.

Yet another player-bashing thread started by "Big Gopher Fan". Outstanding.

Remind me - did we win the game?

Williams made some agressive drives to the basket, I see some improvement in the way he is playing.

They aren't going to be a three point team, but I think they are learning to get the points other ways. They are going to continue to improve, I still think a bubble team but they will be competitive.

What is with this team and poor FT% game in and game out(with a few occasional good individual performances) year in and year out? It really isn't all that difficult. No one is guarding you, no one will attempt to block your shot, and you have plenty of time to concentrate.

ghnewbie said:
Can we finally accept, once and for all, Tubby has lost it as a head coach? Yes, this was a win, but there remains no offensive flow, in-bounds passes are an adventure at best, no three-point defense even with weeks to work on it and most damning of all, players like Sampson get worse under Tubby's tutelage. He's the most overrated coach in D1.

No credit for half time adjustments and getting this team to rally? Have fun with that attitude. Go crawl back in your hole until the next time they are down. They shot 50 percent from the field and dominated the paint. I'd say the offense was fine.

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