Utah State leading Becky at the half: 14-3!!!!!!!!

and the "offensive" pass interference call when utah state should have had another first down at becky's 10 yard line?! what a joke of a call by the officials. the fix was in for becky with the officials on that last utah state drive. the B1G officials should be ashamed of themselves for making such a turd of a call against utah state in that situation. there was NO offensive pass interference anywhere.

and the "offensive" pass interference call when utah state should have had another first down at becky's 10 yard line?! what a joke of a call by the officials. the fix was in for becky with the officials on that last utah state drive. the B1G officials should be ashamed of themselves for making such a turd of a call against utah state in that situation. there was NO offensive pass interference anywhere.

You mean the one that was correctly call, look at the replay again man, the Utah State player push off, which is a Offensive PI in College and in the NFL. that was the correct call. you can't push off and that what the Utah State player did.

You mean the one that was correctly call, look at the replay again man, the Utah State player push off, which is a Offensive PI in College and in the NFL. that was the correct call. you can't push off and that what the Utah State player did.

nope. didn't see it anywhere on that play. blown call by the B1G officials, imo.

nope. didn't see it anywhere on that play. blown call by the B1G officials, imo.

You need to have your eyes check, beacuse the Utah State did push off and it was clear as a day on TV screen. You need your eyes check, as it was the correct call. no if or what about it. go watch it again.

You need to have your eyes check, beacuse the Utah State did push off and it was clear as a day on TV screen. You need your eyes check, as it was the correct call. no if or what about it. go watch it again.

we will just have to "agree to disagree" on this one. you are not going to change my mind, and i am obviously not going to change yours. again, didn't see it to warrant a flag.

You need to have your eyes check, beacuse the Utah State did push off and it was clear as a day on TV screen. You need your eyes check, as it was the correct call. no if or what about it. go watch it again.

Would the call have been made if the roles were reversed? No way in hell the refs would call that against the home team.

Would the call have been made if the roles were reversed? No way in hell the refs would call that against the home team.

DTG adds some interesting and noteworthy perspective to this debate. to answer his question......i would have to say no, it would not have been made if the roles were reversed. guess it is that thing called home cooking.

Damn, I was trying to figure out who Butthead was going to fire this week if the field goal was good.

Lose to Oregon State on the road = OL coach
Lose to Utah State at home = ????

It could have been interesting.

Actually the flag was deserved, simply for the stupidity of passing on that play.

Gosh, it would have been nice to see them lose again. On the bright side, maybe a win here covers up the holes for another week? Losing promotes change. If they are winning while playing like crap that is good for us as a future opponent.

I'm thinking for Wisconsin's fans leaving the stadium tonight, they were probably "enjoying" the win about as much as I did leaving TCF after the '09 South Dakota State game. I swear in the time since then most people now remember it as a loss. Touchdown Jackrabbits.

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