UT to require Longhorn Band to play the ‘Eyes of Texas’ but will create new band for those who oppose song

well, technically slavery was a tradition. It lasted from 246-400 years depending on your definition and who you ask in the US.

so how many slaves do you own if tradition is that important to you?
Slavery was not brought to North America --- African slaves were brought here but to think that slavery is the white man's burden completely obfuscates the presence of Indian slavery. Indians owned slaves up until the Civil War, one example is Don Cheadle's family were owned by members of the Chickasaw nation.

Clearly not saying much about Texas. I'm always shocked that a person of color would want to play football at a school that won't acknowledge racism as to action.
Agreed. They need to come to a good solid, anti racist state and school like Minnesota/the University of Minnesota. There's a long history of being above average, and superior in all matters. Just ask Jack Trice.

Or read the headlines from the last year in the Star Tribune.

Pointing a finger at any state or institution in this country is a fools errand - because this country is steeped in a history that is not kind to the people who did not write the history books.

Best not to claim we're better than anyone. Best not to let style replace substance. Best to improve yourself. Best to demand more from yourself, your family, the company you keep.

Instead, most turn to social media slactivism in today's day and age and the problems perpetuate.

Maybe some day I won't have to look to see if the CEO from the company I bought a pair of shoes from has publicly taken a position that should not be lauded, but expected.

Like the Denzel Washington quote all over the internet, "as everything old is new again, I look forward to the time when morals, respect, and intelligence become a trend again".

Slavery was not brought to North America --- African slaves were brought here but to think that slavery is the white man's burden completely obfuscates the presence of Indian slavery. Indians owned slaves up until the Civil War, one example is Don Cheadle's family were owned by members of the Chickasaw nation.

slavery has been around for much longer than that. Technically it was seen as peoples right to own slaves, if it was god given right or because who they were or whatever.

the problem with this entire topic is not one of slavery, the sad truth is we as humans who think we are "evolved" or civilized are really not.

We wont be for a long time. People hate change. we don't know or don't want to live in harmony with each other and honestly I doubt we ever will. call it pessimistic, but sounds like you read a little bit. There's too much history of this and it continues to this day. We "think" it's better, but what does better even mean. better for who? is better good enough?

It's not a real word in any language. Not worried.

I’m not of Sioux descent, and I’m not sure but doubt you are either. Given the origins of the slogan, the history of the Sioux in Minnesota, and the current climate around potentially offensive songs, mascots, or enablers of past injustices as obscure as the venue or social climate in which a school alma mater was introduced perhaps it’s time to have a conversation that doesn’t come up very often.

Hats of to thee... this implies male dominance who have historically been the hat wearers.

I’m not of Sioux descent, and I’m not sure but doubt you are either. Given the origins of the slogan, the history of the Sioux in Minnesota, and the current climate around potentially offensive songs, mascots, or enablers of past injustices as obscure as the venue or social climate in which a school alma mater was introduced perhaps it’s time to have a conversation that doesn’t come up very often.
Too funny.

Hats of to thee... this implies male dominance who have historically been the hat wearers.
It's also rumored that Thomas Peebles did not ask people their preferred pronouns and there wasn't a single African American on that first team.

Cancel the U of MN.

I’m not of Sioux descent, and I’m not sure but doubt you are either. Given the origins of the slogan, the history of the Sioux in Minnesota, and the current climate around potentially offensive songs, mascots, or enablers of past injustices as obscure as the venue or social climate in which a school alma mater was introduced perhaps it’s time to have a conversation that doesn’t come up very often.
As much as you just try to throw sh!t at the wall, it is not sticking.

Slavery was not brought to North America --- African slaves were brought here but to think that slavery is the white man's burden completely obfuscates the presence of Indian slavery. Indians owned slaves up until the Civil War, one example is Don Cheadle's family were owned by members of the Chickasaw nation.
You are correct. It has complicated history. Whites were also held as slaves along with Blacks and Native Americans. No doubt though when you look at American History, Blacks and Native Americans have been treated by far much worse than the whites over the years. The Native Americans lost much land due to greedy white settlers who came here from Europe. Even here in the Metro area were sitting on Dakota land.

All you have to do is look at voting rights for black and native American communities, the inability to get housing loans, discrimination in general, and on and on. When Trump started talking about making America Great again, it got me thinking. When was America really great for everyone? I don't think it ever has been in "my" definition. Everyone's definition is going to be different I'm sure.

Study history and you'll learn of all the fraud, crooked government, all the greed of people and on and on. Clearly not a nation under God. For that matter key people early on were not complete fans of God including Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin plus others.

Turning into a off topic board thread. Texas should be ashamed of themselves for their beliefs at the college. Fixed: Back on track.

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