USC DL Bear Alexander plans to redshirt the remainder of the season and enter the transfer portal

Probably but somehow they have to find a way out of unrestricted free agency for all players every year.
The money will need to get tighter for that to happen. As long as it continues to flow freely nobody will care.

This. They really need to get that rule back in place.

I also think that "collectives" or whatever other organization these teams have in place to offer NIL....will get their shit together sooner rather than later. NIL money is paid over the course of the year rather than a lump sum. Not saying that isn't the case here.....but just makes me think about the Iowa kid who transferred paid......and transferred again without playing a snap. That's crazy.
It’s like many of these dumbasses have never heard of a written contract before. Who gives someone $100,000 like the kid you mentioned from Iowa/Bama without any sort of binding written language? Boggles the mind.

It’s like many of these dumbasses have never heard of a written contract before. Who gives someone $100,000 like the kid you mentioned from Iowa/Bama without any sort of binding written language? Boggles the mind.
I'm sure some places are concerned about paper trails and getting in trouble for poaching. But yeah, they whole system is royally screwed up right now and unfortunately there is no end in sight.

I feel for the UNLV fans - finally get a decent team, and maybe even an invite to join the PAC, and the key players quit and the invite never comes.

As for all these players, why do they have to wait until next season to join another team? I see another lawsuit coming and so far, whatever the players want in terms of movement, the players get. Unless new laws get codified to restrict college player transfers, the courts are going to say any transfer is fine.

It’s like many of these dumbasses have never heard of a written contract before. Who gives someone $100,000 like the kid you mentioned from Iowa/Bama without any sort of binding written language? Boggles the mind.
When there’s so much money coming in it doesn’t matter that’s how it happens. They know they’ll just get more donations for next year anyway. Until that changes expect this to continue.

I feel for the UNLV fans - finally get a decent team, and maybe even an invite to join the PAC, and the key players quit and the invite never comes.

As for all these players, why do they have to wait until next season to join another team? I see another lawsuit coming and so far, whatever the players want in terms of movement, the players get. Unless new laws get codified to restrict college player transfers, the courts are going to say any transfer is fine.
Honestly assume it is only a matter of time before someone attempts an in season transfer and takes it to the courts.

Agreed. But it sure would be nice to get things settled so there is a workable system in place.
This is the exact reason why our current system is a mess.

Because we all have to pretend that the players are not getting paid by the football/basketball programs, it's nearly impossible to create a system that makes any sense. This is why UNLV's comment was so annoying. We all understand it's against the rules for the players to make agreements with the players. However, we all understand it's what is happening. If we continue to pretend the rules match reality, you can't put any structure to the system.

All of that said, I don't know how the NCAA/schools can navigate building structure. There are major Title IX ramifications to building out any structure that will likely be more difficult to navigate than our current shared fiction.

It’s like many of these dumbasses have never heard of a written contract before. Who gives someone $100,000 like the kid you mentioned from Iowa/Bama without any sort of binding written language? Boggles the mind.
It's difficult to put an illegal contract into writing. Even though it is how it's being done, everywhere. It's against the rules to have these agreements. It's why schools are getting screwed (Iowa w/Kadyn Procter) and it's why players are getting screwed (if you believe the UNLV QB).

I would imagine a large portion of these deals are done without much formality. Which, clearly, is a massive can bucket of worms.

The current system is like the black market, it's hard to legally enforce any of these deals.

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