USC DL Bear Alexander plans to redshirt the remainder of the season and enter the transfer portal

this is a new trend to decide to shit or get off the pot on a season at the 3-4 games mark

Since college football is now a deregulated wild wild sport, the coaches should just not sign players that quit on their team like this. If this guy, the UNLV QB, and any other like player fall into the forgotten dust bin of history, it just might help the sport.

Since college football is now a deregulated wild wild sport, the coaches should just not sign players that quit on their team like this. If this guy, the UNLV QB, and any other like player fall into the forgotten dust bin of history, it just might help the sport.

Unless it makes more money (or saves a school money), no decision will be ever be based on helping the sport. TV ratings are sky high, ticket sales nationwide are up, stadiums are being renovated.

The UNLV QB will make a lot of money come 2025.

Since college football is now a deregulated wild wild sport, the coaches should just not sign players that quit on their team like this. If this guy, the UNLV QB, and any other like player fall into the forgotten dust bin of history, it just might help the sport.
Isn't that kind of what's good about it though? Players make the choices and can deal with the consequences. If coaches don't think he's worth signing then that is the price he will pay.

Will this be the next trend to add the the stupidity of college athletics now? Not happy after a few weeks, just declare you are entering the portal and bail on your team......what a friggin joke.

NCAA needs to reinstate the rule where you have to sit out a year if you transfer

I also saw somewhere that he played at 4 different high schools in 4 years.

And he will have no shortage of high end teams offering him big money to come there because Defensive lineman are tough to find and he is 6'3" 315 lbs.

Wonder how many different colleges he will attend over his college career?

We're going to have to change how we refer to sports. It is no longer a team sport, it is a ME sport.

Unless it makes more money (or saves a school money), no decision will be ever be based on helping the sport. TV ratings are sky high, ticket sales nationwide are up, stadiums are being renovated.

The UNLV QB will make a lot of money come 2025.
Agreed. But it sure would be nice to get things settled so there is a workable system in place.

Isn't that kind of what's good about it though? Players make the choices and can deal with the consequences. If coaches don't think he's worth signing then that is the price he will pay.

It seems there are very few consequences for poor decisions or behavior by either coaches or players.

It seems there are very few consequences for poor decisions or behavior by either coaches or players.
I've seen joking about it, but it's not that far-fetched that somebody will quit a program during a game.

I've seen joking about it, but it's not that far-fetched that somebody will quit a program during a game.
I've said before that you'll have top players from either non-bowl teams, or teams going to a minor bowl, that will transfer to playoff teams right before the playoffs or late in the regular season.

NCAA needs to reinstate the rule where you have to sit out a year if you transfer
And it will probably be shot down by the courts yet again. The genie is out of the bottle on this.

And it will probably be shot down by the courts yet again. The genie is out of the bottle on this.
Probably but somehow they have to find a way out of unrestricted free agency for all players every year.

Will this be the next trend to add the the stupidity of college athletics now? Not happy after a few weeks, just declare you are entering the portal and bail on your team......what a friggin joke.

NCAA needs to reinstate the rule where you have to sit out a year if you transfer

This. They really need to get that rule back in place.

I also think that "collectives" or whatever other organization these teams have in place to offer NIL....will get their shit together sooner rather than later. NIL money is paid over the course of the year rather than a lump sum. Not saying that isn't the case here.....but just makes me think about the Iowa kid who transferred paid......and transferred again without playing a snap. That's crazy.

Sounds like the UNLV RB is following suit with his former UNLV QB.
It really is a shame that these clowns who are bailing on their teams mid season will almost certainly have no issues finding a new home in the off season.

The only good thing is that the more ridiculous cases like this that come up the more it may finally force them to find a solution that actually works as opposed to the absolute clusterf$#k we have right now.

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