USC - Axe to fall???


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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I've always thought that the day Pete Carroll would leave USC was the day right before the axe would fall on the program for gross violation of NCAA rules. Slick college coaches (Pitino, Holtz, etc.) seem to have a way of "knowing" just when to get out of town. If he bolts for the Seahawks, does that mean The axe may indeed be about to fall?

not saying you're right but . . .

please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please let that be the case

This could have an adverse effect on our strength-of-victory over USC next year on the way to our national championship...

This could have an adverse effect on our strength-of-victory over USC next year on the way to our national championship...

Congratulations, this thread has just...


Congratulations, this thread has just...


That's a really good shtick. Too bad you wasted it on an obviously facetious comment. :(

I'll pretend I didn't see it so I can be amused next time when you unleash in a better context.

"This could have an adverse effect on our strength-of-victory over USC next year on the way to our national championship..."

Let's see, that will be year one for the new coach at USC. It takes 4 to 5 years to build a program with a new coach correct? USC fans should expect 1-11 the first season. Oh shoot, I wonder who that 1 win will be against.


"This could have an adverse effect on our strength-of-victory over USC next year on the way to our national championship..."

Let's see, that will be year one for the new coach at USC. It takes 4 to 5 years to build a program with a new coach correct? USC fans should expect 1-11 the first season. Oh shoot, I wonder who that 1 win will be against.


Well done.

Just may be if Brewster had taken over Pete's program instead of Minnesota's he might have done a bit better than 1-11?

Were we not 6-7 the year prior to Brew.

Does anybody know what Bobby Bowden's recruiting violations were that will cause his win record to be revised?

That's a really good shtick. Too bad you wasted it on an obviously facetious comment. :(

I'll pretend I didn't see it so I can be amused next time when you unleash in a better context.

how about this one:

this board jumped the shark when it banned kelly leeks.

Thanks for the article........incredible. First thought is it reminds of the Gopher basketball scandal of awhile back. Secondly, call me naive, but...on-line music class? And an Athletic Academics Support Dept? I honestly thought these kids went to real classes!?! I know that some of them take a full load with bio-chem, physics, etc. and still spend about four hours a day on football stuff.....must run the gamut from remedial to PhD, huh....

West of the Mississippi, cars and money. East of the River, free papers and classwork.

At least USC and FSU are maintaining tradition!;)

Not to defend USC since anything bad for them helps us in the SH race, but aren't online classes a staple of colleges these days? I think the NCAA even has guidlines about how many you can take as opposed to in classroom. It would seem wise to take a class like this in season. Now if they can prove it's just a ruse for athletics that's a different story.

Not to defend USC since anything bad for them helps us in the SH race, but aren't online classes a staple of colleges these days? I think the NCAA even has guidlines about how many you can take as opposed to in classroom. It would seem wise to take a class like this in season. Now if they can prove it's just a ruse for athletics that's a different story.

Honestly, I think USC is far more worried about "cars and cash" to the Reggie Bush family then online courses.

Not to defend USC since anything bad for them helps us in the SH race, but aren't online classes a staple of colleges these days? I think the NCAA even has guidlines about how many you can take as opposed to in classroom. It would seem wise to take a class like this in season. Now if they can prove it's just a ruse for athletics that's a different story.

Yes -on-line classes are part of the curriculum in most majors for a couple of credits to get a break from the real tough stuff the kids have ......but having to cheat on an on-line music course with assistance from an "Athletic Academic Support Dept" makes me wonder what else is behind the curtain to support academic success for athletes in these programs...your tax dollars at work.

Oh, please please please let this be true!

Yes -on-line classes are part of the curriculum in most majors for a couple of credits to get a break from the real tough stuff the kids have ......but having to cheat on an on-line music course with assistance from an "Athletic Academic Support Dept" makes me wonder what else is behind the curtain to support academic success for athletes in these programs...your tax dollars at work.

Every school, Minnesota included, has that type of department.

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