UPDATED: Accepted changes: NCAA WBB Rules Committee Proposed Rule Changes for 2023-24

Ignatius L Hoops

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Sep 9, 2015
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Flopping, restrictive area reduction, a new class of technical foul etc.

If a proposal by the NCAA Women's Basketball Rules Committee is approved for the 2023-24 season, women's basketball players judged to have flopped would be issued a warning on the first offense, with a technical foul being charged for any subsequent infractions.

Under the recommendation, the second and any subsequent flop calls would count toward the team foul count but would not count toward a player's five fouls leading to disqualification.

The committee met Wednesday-Friday in Indianapolis. All rules proposals must be approved by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel before becoming official. The panel is scheduled to discuss women's basketball recommendations June 8.

Rules committee members think the recommendation is needed for the sport after receiving feedback from all three divisions about their concerns regarding flopping.

The committee hopes this change will reduce situations where players are trying to fool the officials.

"For the last two years, the rules committee made faking and flopping a point of emphasis for officials," said Amy Vachon, rules committee chair and head coach at the University of Maine. "There is still a growing concern about this issue in women's basketball, so this is the committee's attempt to address the issue."

Restricted-area arc, lower defensive box​

After a thorough discussion, rules committee members recommended reducing the restricted-area arc from 4 feet in the lane to the area directly underneath the basket. Defenders cannot establish a legal guarding position directly underneath the basket. The proposal would also eliminate the lower defensive box rule.

Under this proposal, there would be no need for any additional court markings on the floor.

The committee hopes simplifying the rule will bring about a better understanding for officials, coaches, players and fans.

"The original rule was intended to reduce crashes at the basket," Vachon said. "The committee doesn't believe this goal was accomplished. This rule change will permit the defense to defend more of the lane, without allowing charges to be taken underneath the basket."

Currently, secondary defenders must be outside the 4-foot restricted-area arc to draw a charge. The lower defensive box is an imaginary area designated by two tick marks on the end line and the second lane space marks from the free-throw line and distinguishes when the restricted-area rule is or is not in effect.

Other recommended rules proposals​

  • Players would be allowed to wear numbers 0-99.
  • Schools would no longer have to submit a waiver for players to wear religious headwear, provided it is safe for competition.
  • An amber light strip would be permitted on the backboard to signal the end of a shot-clock period.
  • An optional rule would allow for live video to be transmitted to the bench area. This has been an experimental rule for the past two years.
  • A new class of technical fouls would be assessed to the team and not an individual offender. Delay-of-game warnings and flopping will fall under this category.
  • When the shot clock is off at the end of a quarter or overtime, officials would use the game clock to determine when a 10-second backcourt violation has occurred.
  • A permissive rule would permit conferences to implement an off-site collaborative replay system to assist game officials with replay situations.
  • The shot clock would be reset to 20 seconds or the time remaining, whichever is greater, when there is a foul by the nonshooting team, but not against the shooter, during a try in flight that does not strike the ring or flange.
  • Defenders would be prohibited from placing their body on the ball handler/dribbler.
  • Officials would be allowed to use replay throughout the entire game for off-ball foul scoring plays; the review would be conducted during the next media timeout or intermission.

Point of emphasis​

Committee members are concerned about the uptick in bench decorum and misconduct incidents that took place during the 2022-23 season.

There were significant increases in intentional fouls, technical fouls and disqualifying fouls last season.

New chair​

Baylor coach Nicki Collen was elected chair of the committee

This season's rule changes and points of emphasis:

Women's basketball players judged to have flopped will be issued a warning on the first offense, with a technical foul being charged for any subsequent infractions, beginning in the 2023-24 season.

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved the new rule during a virtual meeting Thursday.

Under the new rule, the second and any subsequent flop calls will add to the team foul count but would not count toward a player's five fouls leading to disqualification.

NCAA Women's Basketball Rules Committee members think the new rule is needed for the sport after receiving feedback from all three divisions about their concerns regarding flopping.

The committee hopes this change will reduce situations where players are trying to fool the officials.

Restricted-area arc, lower defensive box​

The panel approved reducing the restricted-area arc from 4 feet in the lane to the area directly underneath the basket. Defenders cannot establish a legal guarding position directly underneath the basket. This rule also eliminates the lower defensive box rule.

Under this new rule, there will be no need for any additional court markings on the floor.

The committee hopes simplifying the rule will bring about a better understanding for officials, coaches, players and fans.

Previously, secondary defenders had to be outside the 4-foot restricted-area arc to draw a charge. The lower defensive box was an imaginary area designated by two tick marks on the end line and the second lane space marks from the free-throw line and distinguished when the restricted-area rule was in effect.

Other rules changes​

  • Players will be allowed to wear numbers 0-99.
  • Schools will no longer have to submit a waiver for players to wear religious headwear, provided it is safe for competition.
  • An amber light strip will be permitted on the backboard to signal the end of a shot-clock period.
  • An optional rule will allow for live video to be transmitted to the bench area. This has been an experimental rule for the past two years.
  • A new class of technical fouls will be assessed to the team and not an individual offender. Delay-of-game warnings and flopping will fall under this category.
  • When the shot clock is off at the end of a quarter or overtime, officials will use the game clock to determine when a 10-second backcourt violation has occurred.
  • A permissive rule will allow conferences to implement an off-site collaborative replay system to assist game officials with replay situations.
  • The shot clock will be reset to 20 seconds or the time remaining, whichever is greater, when there is a foul by the nonshooting team, but not against the shooter, during a try in flight that does not strike the rim.
  • Officials will be allowed to use replay throughout the entire game for off-ball foul scoring plays; the review would be conducted during the next media timeout or intermission.

Point of emphasis​

Women's Basketball Rules Committee members are concerned about the uptick in bench decorum and misconduct incidents that took place during the 2022-23 season.

There were significant increases in intentional fouls, technical fouls and disqualifying fouls last season.

Flopping is 100% necessary to get a charging call. Somebody blasts you and you stay upright...it's either a no call or a blocking foul on you. People just gotta get good at it...it's a skill.

The no contact, complete whiff, fall downs are embarrassing.

A couple thoughts:

Borowicz had a nice fall down move last season. Early in the season she got a legit call, and then later again in the season I was like, wait, I've seen that one before. In one game when they really needed a call, there it was again. b
But she didn't get a call A few moments later, there it is again. Onto the floor. Crying for a call.

And here is a great embellishing video from this week in the NBA finals:


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