UPDATED (6/11) Doogie tweet: Hageman's disorderly conduct charge dismissed

Isn't that a great way to start the off season?

Lets hope its not felony stuff.

From the looks of it (disorderly conduct misdemeanor), and the time he was received (2:39 am), sounds like some late-night shenanigans either at a party or bar. Not to downplay being put in the clink - it's serious any time you get arrested - but I'm thinking we don't see much come out of this. Had it happened in season, maybe sitting a game. But he'll be disciplined before the season starts (assuming all my assumptions)

Is this the first discipline issue under Coach Kill?

The whole team needs to buy into the discipline thing. Bad example and hurts the team and could lead to suspension(s).

Come down hard Coach Kill.

We need more details. Where, when did this actually happen. Disorderly conduct is a rather analogous charge. It could involve nothing more than a shouting match, or an comment to an officer that aint right, man. The fact they were able to apprehend him, notes his compliance. At what 6'6 and 300 plus he did not make this worse.

Here I thought maybe he was just celebrating the House vote for the Vikings stadium but he was a little early.

Pure speculation, but noting the time and the location ("PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY"), I'm guessing they threw him in there overnight to let him sober up and make sure he wasn't a danger to himself or others. As G07 already said, being in jail is never not serious, but I don't think this is anything that Kill and staff can't deal with in practice.

I don't suppose there is any chance alcohol was involved.

Agree with others. Disorderly conduct is the charge they can use to cover just about anything between shouting too loudly after being told to be quiet and more serious "contempt of cop" behaviors (telling a cop to "eff themselves" for instance). I also agree that if this is the only charge that it means he showed restraint overall (i.e. no stupid ND QB "kick the cop" move).

He'll be in Kill's doghouse for a while (and maybe miss a game if Kill wants to set a hard example) but if he keeps his head down and works hard this will be forgotten quickly.

Is this the first discipline issue under Coach Kill?

The whole team needs to buy into the discipline thing. Bad example and hurts the team and could lead to suspension(s).

Come down hard Coach Kill.

G'shaun Harris had felony credit card theft. It's at least one more point for the Fulmer Cup

EDIT: here's the Charge details: http://www4.co.hennepin.mn.us/webbooking/chargedetail.asp?v_booknum=2012012585 He didn't pay his tab then got thrown in the drunk tank?


Misdemeanor – Examples of misdemeanor cases include: disorderly conduct, thefts of $500 or less where a dangerous weapon was not involved, first time DWI where the reading was .08 or more but less than .20, and first time 5th degree assault. The maximum penalty for a misdemeanor is 90 days in jail and/or a $1000 fine. Typically, a formal Complaint is not issued in misdemeanor cases. Instead, the person receives a ticket, also called a tab charge.

So he didn't pay his tab but did post $50 bail? Should have put that towards his bar tab.

Sucky news, hopefully turns out to be nothing really. On first glance appears to be what others have already said, one of those late night dust up type things or something.

That's not what a "Tab Charge" means on the Hennepin county record (see Gopher07's post).

Yeah, it only means a written Complaint needn't be filed with the court as would be the case with a felony. Less paperwork for stupid drunk antics.

No big deal - college kids will be college kids. He will get a tongue lashing from Mr. Kill.

I work in the Hennepin County court system. Usually the police "cite"(ticket) and release for disorderly conduct unless they believe the individual will continue to misbehave or will not show up for court. That being said the cops don't always follow the law. Without seeing the police reports or hearing Hageman's side it is hard to know why he was arrested and taken to jail instead of being cited and released.

okay, super sleuths. don't really care to hear every arm chair quarterback's individual take on this, or where you work, or who you know and how they interpret it. just let it play out and move on.

coach kill and staff will deal with it from a football perspective.

doesn't sound like it was anything very serious or anything more than what you see on college campuses every night of the week. let's hope that is/was the case.

get a life everyone and move on with your day.


What an idiot.

It's fairly easy to go through life without winding up in jail for any amount of time. "It's just one of those things that happens at night" is such a cop out BS response to this. Kill should make an example of him, he's an upperclassman on the team and needs to act like an adult (because he is one).

What an idiot.

It's fairly easy to go through life without winding up in jail for any amount of time. "It's just one of those things that happens at night" is such a cop out BS response to this. Kill should make an example of him, he's an upperclassman on the team and needs to act like an adult (because he is one).

thanks for the speech. not saying i disagree with it per se, but how about you come on down from your big, ole' horse.

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