I've hired enough people to know that the interview process is a crap shoot. People that look good on paper and interview well can be not so great once asked to do the day-to-day tasks. I'll take someone I am familiar with, and have confidence in, any day of the week.

Or you could end up with a Woody.

Good discussion, it is a common practice to bring in people you trust and have worked with in the past. It just struck me funny that his first two hires are people that followed him from Boise. I am sure we have all had situations where a new boss comes in and brings along a couple of yes men that have followed him along on his career. I have never been impressed with the people because they usually get in way over their head. I hope this isn't the case, but there are hundreds of qualified candidates across the country that would give there right arm for a shot at those positions. He also may be feeling he has to look out for those people he brought to Cuse because they may be out of a job soon.

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Your arrogance is astounding. So, the program is a dumpster fire and can't afford to have another Mega-Tongue incident -- or even just a minor tongue incident. So Coyle has a few people who he knows to be competent (maybe they are "yes men" but assuming so right off the bat is disrespectful to them, to Coyle's integrity and shows your agenda) to help him straighten things out and like a true Minnesotan you already assume what we have isn't good enough and should be better -- get over yourself.

Your last point suggests that they are unqualified. You know this how? You assume this, again because of the patent Minnesota inferiority complex. Now matter what we have, it's always not right. And to suggest the only reason we'd hire them is that they're useless and will be fired by Syracuse. You really have a one track mind on these people wihtout one iota of information. The internet is a wonderful place to unload the anxieties of your own reality isn't it.

Give it a rest. If it turns out your right, I'll apologize to you. If it turns out your wrong what will you do? Still say we could have had someone better even if they prove to be competent. You betcha.

Because these are career bureaucrats. They are not position coaches.

Why are they bureaucrats because they are in a leadership position? Definition- an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment. That is insulting to two individuals who are likely highly capable or Coyle wouldn't want them. Effective leaders, of which Coyle appears to be, don't want "yes" people, they want leaders who have foresight, systems view, and the ability to lead and manage projects and people.

Often, the reason individuals in high-level positions follow another is because they are allowed to lead, and not be micro-managed. In addition, the leader wants them because of their ability to lead effectively.

So, this is similar to Kill bringing his staff. It appears Claeys was willing to follow when working with Kill because of the wide latitude Kill let him have. When Kill stepped aside he's ready to lead. It is likely similar with these folks.

I know many people who enjoy the leadership and flexibility of the "second" position, and have no interest in the "top" position. This doesn't make them a "yes" person.

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I'd like to see a top list of potential AD CFOs that we should have gone after. I couldn't find it on ESPN. Anyone got a link?

What a dumb debate. Coyle is bringing in a couple of assistants that he works well with and that have helped him be successful in the past. Not even I can make an argument out of that.

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I'd like to see a top list of potential AD CFOs that we should have gone after. I couldn't find it on ESPN. Anyone got a link?

What a dumb debate. Coyle is bringing in a couple of assistants that he works well with and that have helped him be successful in the past. Not even I can make an argument out of that.

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Hard to argue with you on that.

I'd like to see a top list of potential AD CFOs that we should have gone after. I couldn't find it on ESPN. Anyone got a link?

What a dumb debate. Coyle is bringing in a couple of assistants that he works well with and that have helped him be successful in the past. Not even I can make an argument out of that.

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Your arrogance is astounding. So, the program is a dumpster fire and can't afford to have another Mega-Tongue incident -- or even just a minor tongue incident. So Coyle has a few people who he knows to be competent (maybe they are "yes men" but assuming so right off the bat is disrespectful to them, to Coyle's integrity and shows your agenda) to help him straighten things out and like a true Minnesotan you already assume what we have isn't good enough and should be better -- get over yourself.

Your last point suggests that they are unqualified. You know this how? You assume this, again because of the patent Minnesota inferiority complex. Now matter what we have, it's always not right. And to suggest the only reason we'd hire them is that they're useless and will be fired by Syracuse. You really have a one track mind on these people wihtout one iota of information. The internet is a wonderful place to unload the anxieties of your own reality isn't it.

Give it a rest. If it turns out your right, I'll apologize to you. If it turns out your wrong what will you do? Still say we could have had someone better even if they prove to be competent. You betcha.

You are obviously confused. I have been one of the most pro-gopher supporters on GH. I have gotten into arguments with others that make the dumpster fire claims and those that think we can't ever win at the U. I think that Coyle is "home run" hire. You, and many others, are reading way too many negatives in too my first observation. We have no idea of these peoples qualifications and it may surprises you to know that I would assume that Coyle know what he is doing. I by no means meant this to be a bash on those two hires, but in hindsight I guess I should have know it was not the most positive way to look at the situation.

I have just seen too many cases where it has not worked out when new bosses bring in a couple of " assistants" that have followed them through their careers.

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Quick - name the CFO of ANY other University's athletic department.

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Whenever there is an opening at the U, people want the Gophers to go after these "top national candidates."

Well, here is my question - what makes you think that these "top national candidates" want to work at the U? In case you haven't been paying attention, the U has not generated a lot of positive news stories lately. In order to bring in candidates of that caliber, the U would likely have to over-pay. Mr Big Name AD is not riding in on a white horse to save the day.

All things considered, I think Coyle is as good of a hire as anyone could expect. He has a right to bring in his own people. Now, we just have to wait and see how it turns out.

Whenever there is an opening at the U, people want the Gophers to go after these "top national candidates."

Well, here is my question - what makes you think that these "top national candidates" want to work at the U? In case you haven't been paying attention, the U has not generated a lot of positive news stories lately. In order to bring in candidates of that caliber, the U would likely have to over-pay. Mr Big Name AD is not riding in on a white horse to save the day.

All things considered, I think Coyle is as good of a hire as anyone could expect. He has a right to bring in his own people. Now, we just have to wait and see how it turns out.

Now here is a typical example of someone putting down the U. "Why would a top candidate want to work at the U?"

Top AD dept jobs in the B1G are at the top of the pecking order. Very few schools have the revenue stream that can rival a B1G, especially with the contracts that have just been announced. Also, have you even read anything I have written? I said Coyle was a "home run" hire! The U does not have any problems that a top level AD would be afraid to tackle.

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Apples and oranges.

So the U is basically being run by the Boise staff from a year ago. I am a big fan of the new AD, but I think that it is a bit of a lazy move to not branch out and bring in some people with experience at this level. Beth may have left big shoes to fill.

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You hire known commodities first as a leader. In order of preference:

1. People you have first hand experience with doing a good job

2. People whom you trust have first hand experience of them doing a good job

3. People who were part of an organization that delivered results. But you really can't know for certain if they were on a good team or actually delivered the results.

I think Coyle chose #1. Also, you need to read some leadership development texts. One of the common themes is talented people and leaders follow other great leaders. My first thought was this is a great sign as these people have followed Coyle for 2 athletic departments now.

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Why are they bureaucrats because they are in a leadership position? Definition- an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment. That is insulting to two individuals who are likely highly capable or Coyle wouldn't want them. Effective leaders, of which Coyle appears to be, don't want "yes" people, they want leaders who have foresight, systems view, and the ability to lead and manage projects and people.

Often, the reason individuals in high-level positions follow another is because they are allowed to lead, and not be micro-managed. In addition, the leader wants them because of their ability to lead effectively.

So, this is similar to Kill bringing his staff. It appears Claeys was willing to follow when working with Kill because of the wide latitude Kill let him have. When Kill stepped aside he's ready to lead. It is likely similar with these folks.

I know many people who enjoy the leadership and flexibility of the "second" position, and have no interest in the "top" position. This doesn't make them a "yes" person.

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To me these are overhead (indirect cost) positions. They are part of an ever expanding bureaucracy of an NCAA / University Sports cottage industry no doubt fueled by an immense library of rules, regulations, and directives emanating in one way shape or form from United States Code and as a bureaucratic consequence, the code of federal regulations. Gone are the days of one athletic director, and maybe a secretary. Now it is an empire that produces no revenue, just additional cost, with self justifying mission statements, and self aggrandizement. This is part of what has made us so inefficient as a nation, requiring 800 horsepower engines consuming massive amounts of fuel that only deliver 75 brake horsepower at the right rear wheel. It is one symptom of everything that has become inefficient and entropic in the USA since General Dwight David Eisenhower left the White House. These positions are a mirror image at the large university level of Senior Executive Service (SES) patronage political appointees that have mismanaged and run the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other Federal Agencies into the ground. Can you say politically correct? Because people who are appointed to these positions, are usually just that.

To me these are overhead (indirect cost) positions. They are part of an ever expanding bureaucracy of an NCAA / University Sports cottage industry no doubt fueled by an immense library of rules, regulations, and directives emanating in one way shape or form from United States Code and as a bureaucratic consequence, the code of federal regulations. Gone are the days of one athletic director, and maybe a secretary. Now it is an empire that produces no revenue, just additional cost, with self justifying mission statements, and self aggrandizement. This is part of what has made us so inefficient as a nation, requiring 800 horsepower engines consuming massive amounts of fuel that only deliver 75 brake horsepower at the right rear wheel. It is one symptom of everything that has become inefficient and entropic in the USA since General Dwight David Eisenhower left the White House. These positions are a mirror image at the large university level of Senior Executive Service (SES) patronage political appointees that have mismanaged and run the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other Federal Agencies into the ground. Can you say politically correct? Because people who are appointed to these positions, are usually just that.

Poe's Law is hitting hard here..

To me these are overhead (indirect cost) positions. They are part of an ever expanding bureaucracy of an NCAA / University Sports cottage industry no doubt fueled by an immense library of rules, regulations, and directives emanating in one way shape or form from United States Code and as a bureaucratic consequence, the code of federal regulations. Gone are the days of one athletic director, and maybe a secretary. Now it is an empire that produces no revenue, just additional cost, with self justifying mission statements, and self aggrandizement. This is part of what has made us so inefficient as a nation, requiring 800 horsepower engines consuming massive amounts of fuel that only deliver 75 brake horsepower at the right rear wheel. It is one symptom of everything that has become inefficient and entropic in the USA since General Dwight David Eisenhower left the White House. These positions are a mirror image at the large university level of Senior Executive Service (SES) patronage political appointees that have mismanaged and run the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other Federal Agencies into the ground. Can you say politically correct? Because people who are appointed to these positions, are usually just that.

So you finally found a topic to grind your axe on..... I hope you feel better. Oh, and by the way, the CFO manages the money.

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Haven't checked here in awhile, and saw this on the top of the board. It really is a long time between games.

Haven't checked here in awhile, and saw this on the top of the board. It really is a long time between games.

No "bleep". Four pages and over 3,100 views on two people no one around here had ever heard of before last week.

To me these are overhead (indirect cost) positions. They are part of an ever expanding bureaucracy of an NCAA / University Sports cottage industry no doubt fueled by an immense library of rules, regulations, and directives emanating in one way shape or form from United States Code and as a bureaucratic consequence, the code of federal regulations. Gone are the days of one athletic director, and maybe a secretary. Now it is an empire that produces no revenue, just additional cost, with self justifying mission statements, and self aggrandizement. This is part of what has made us so inefficient as a nation, requiring 800 horsepower engines consuming massive amounts of fuel that only deliver 75 brake horsepower at the right rear wheel. It is one symptom of everything that has become inefficient and entropic in the USA since General Dwight David Eisenhower left the White House. These positions are a mirror image at the large university level of Senior Executive Service (SES) patronage political appointees that have mismanaged and run the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other Federal Agencies into the ground. Can you say politically correct? Because people who are appointed to these positions, are usually just that.

What? Sorry, I must have nodded off.

No "bleep". Four pages and over 3,100 views on two people no one around here had ever heard of before last week.

Agree, let the games begin. And I started the sh!t

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