Why are they bureaucrats because they are in a leadership position? Definition- an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment. That is insulting to two individuals who are likely highly capable or Coyle wouldn't want them. Effective leaders, of which Coyle appears to be, don't want "yes" people, they want leaders who have foresight, systems view, and the ability to lead and manage projects and people.
Often, the reason individuals in high-level positions follow another is because they are allowed to lead, and not be micro-managed. In addition, the leader wants them because of their ability to lead effectively.
So, this is similar to Kill bringing his staff. It appears Claeys was willing to follow when working with Kill because of the wide latitude Kill let him have. When Kill stepped aside he's ready to lead. It is likely similar with these folks.
I know many people who enjoy the leadership and flexibility of the "second" position, and have no interest in the "top" position. This doesn't make them a "yes" person.
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