Underpaying Coaches - Is this our top problem?

I think the coordinator issues is big. I keep wondering if PJ’s statement of “I’m not for everybody” is the issue. How many top coordinators want to be part of this culture? I think unless you are a former player it might be a bit much. Plus, how controlling is he? Are they able to make the schemes to their liking or is it not an option? Lastly, isn’t there extra money for position coaches/coordinators that he hasn’t used (remember that being brought up when Smith left)? I do think that you need to get good coordinators that grow roots and stay. He’s certainly gone through them about every 2-3 years it seems. That can’t be good for your player development. (That’s why I don’t think it changes too much)

I think QB evaluation is our top problem. Other than Tanner Morgan, when is the last time we had above average QB play for an extended period of time?

I think like others have hinted here, it is much less about pay and more about fit and autonomy. I have to think there are very good coordinators at the FCS and G5 levels just waiting for a break, but perhaps working for Fleck is a tough sell. Could probably double their salaries and still not hit what the current coodinators are making.

I think the coordinator issues is big. I keep wondering if PJ’s statement of “I’m not for everybody” is the issue. How many top coordinators want to be part of this culture? I think unless you are a former player it might be a bit much. Plus, how controlling is he? Are they able to make the schemes to their liking or is it not an option? Lastly, isn’t there extra money for position coaches/coordinators that he hasn’t used (remember that being brought up when Smith left)? I do think that you need to get good coordinators that grow roots and stay. He’s certainly gone through them about every 2-3 years it seems. That can’t be good for your player development. (That’s why I don’t think it changes too much)
I think it does play into their decisions to work for him. Forget top coordinators in P4, how about great ones with experience at the FCS and G5 levels?

I think QB evaluation is our top problem. Other than Tanner Morgan, when is the last time we had above average QB play for an extended period of time?
I think he needs to hire a dedicated QB coach. The skills and mechanics of that position are so different and important and you can’t just add it as a responsibility to the coordinator who has no experience in that part of coaching.

I think he needs to hire a dedicated QB coach. The skills and mechanics of that position are so different and important and you can’t just add it as a responsibility to the coordinator who has no experience in that part of coaching.
I honestly don't know what our problem is but I do think you need to start at the top and the top is the university as a whole. Football is a bit of a different beast but if you look at basketball there is absolutely zero reason we aren't one of the best programs in the Big Ten, if not the country. If you even hit on half of the local talent you are very competitive in conference.

I really don't think the University values athletics, at least doesn't value success in the top revenue sports. Underpaying coaches is part of the problem but not the only problem.

I honestly don't know what our problem is but I do think you need to start at the top and the top is the university as a whole. Football is a bit of a different beast but if you look at basketball there is absolutely zero reason we aren't one of the best programs in the Big Ten, if not the country. If you even hit on half of the local talent you are very competitive in conference.

I really don't think the University values athletics, at least doesn't value success in the top revenue sports. Underpaying coaches is part of the problem but not the only problem.
You might be on to something. Are some of the problems even above PJ's paygrade? Have we had high paid assistants before PJ? I don't know. I heard some other B1G programs cut a lot more sports than we have and just funneled all that money into football. Has anyone else heard this?

As I understand it, some of these massive coach buyouts, and coaching staff salary funding in general, come from booster donations to the athletic departments. Could the days of overpaying coaches be coming to an end? Boosters would be WAY better off contributing to NIL funds and assembling a great player roster versus overpaying coach salaries and funding massive buyouts. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing some coaches with huge buyouts see their contracts expire.

Well we did have our offensive and defensive coordinators make lateral moves for more money, paying assistants is obviously an issue

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