Under The Helmet: Seth Green


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Nov 11, 2008
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GopherSports: As a fifth-year senior, what does it mean to you to have the chance to go out and compete this season?
Seth Green: It's just excitement, honestly. Another chance to go out there in uniform with my teammates is just a blessing to have the opportunity to do.

GS: How important is it to bounce back this week?
SG: One thing we focus on is playing our best no matter where we are, home or away. With that, it's just making sure that we don't take any game for granted, no matter the opponent, making sure that we give them their due diligence. We do play in the Big Ten, so anybody can beat you any week. It's making sure you focus and play your best game every Saturday.

GS: Discuss how you developed yourself into such a versatile weapon throughout your career.
SG: It just comes down to studying the playbook. During practices, focusing and making sure that I'm understanding everything. Versatility comes into play if the time presents itself and if the team needs me at a certain position, then I want to be able to do it to the best of my ability. Making sure I just stay sharp on everything and work on all my skills. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.

GS: Would you rather catch, run or throw a game-winning touchdown?
SG: Whichever one is highest percentage. I trust the O-Line to run it. I know all the receivers are going to go get it. And then I'm perfectly fine catching a touchdown. I honestly don't have a preference. I'm just trying to win the game.

GS: As someone who has received the Tony Dungy Award for character and community service twice, why do you think it's important for student-athletes to make a societal impact?
SG: You didn't get here -- or to the point you're at – by yourself, so giving back, whether that's inspiring somebody or helping somebody out when they're in need goes a long way. Especially given the platform that we have, I feel like it's only right that you use that platform to make your community or just the world a better place.

GS: If you had to be one teammate for a day, who would it be and why?
SG: I'd pick either Brevyn Spann-Ford or Benjamin St-Juste honestly. I just feel like they're really, really cool people. It would just be interesting to go through their life for a day and see stuff from their perspectives.

Go Gophers!!

So glad he's stuck around. True Golden Gopher.

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