U of M Plane leaves in 2 hours


Feb 8, 2010
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Kill will be picked up by the U of M plane GopherIllustrated Reports. Their front page says it has now been confirmed. Hoo-Rah..

Well it's definitely not who I thought it would be but I've said all along I wanted someone who wanted to come here, who wanted to be part of the "U" culture and who wanted the challenge. The guy seems well respected, has been very successful and is loved by his players.

Welcome Coach Kill and may you have instant success as a Gopher. Cause honestly I can't go through one of these again in a couple of years.

hope he likes his first ride on a private airplane-yippee!! it has cupholders and everything!! I am beyond embarrassed-truly sad.


Even though we wanted the big hire, atleast this damn process is over... Disappointing end

I like it, He is a solid hire. Our team will be tough and Kill provides stability and a long track record of success


Well, at least he has a badass name.
Welcome to Minnesota, Coach. Best of luck.
I'm gonna go find a bottle of something.

Just posted on NIU's forum...

"Just got told the TCF Jet tail number N12L just landed at Chicago-Rockford International Airport. And is scheduled to depart Rockford at 9:47pm.


If this proves anything Joel Maturi is our state's leading a$$hole.

I am not heading to the nearest bridge to jump off due to my disappointment in this hire. In fact, I do not think this is a bad hire. There is no question he has been a very successful coach, albeit not at this level, but successful nonetheless. (Look at Jim Tressel who came from Youngstown State.) I think he could prove to be a sleeper hire. I think that he will put a very solid, disciplined team on the field each saturday. As for recruiting, Wis. has very average recruiting ratings every year, yet they are a very dominate team. I think Kill bring in solid kids at needed positions and more importantly I think that he will get a long very well with the local HS coaches, which should hopefully help shut down the borders. Would I have liked Petersen or Leach? Yes, but I do not share the same sky is falling attitude as some of the people on this board have shown over this hire. I am certainly willing to wait and see what he does before I come out against this hire. Welcome aboard coach and good luck.

Just posted on NIU's forum...

"Just got told the TCF Jet tail number N12L just landed at Chicago-Rockford International Airport. And is scheduled to depart Rockford at 9:47pm.


maybe its stopping there to refuel on its way to key west :clap:


Maybe the plane will have mechanical problems and won't be able to leave the airport for a couple of years.

I feel bad for coach Kill....Hope he comes in and wins....I think everyone showing displeasure were sold on the fact Maturi was bringing in a bigger name. If he wins at Minnesota people will support him and the squad. It is now a wait and see what happens mode.

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