If I were P.J., and this is just a suggestion and yes, I'm white, but I'd put together a discussion group, or call it something else if you like, and pull together some alumni, both black and white. I have a LOT of very good friends who played for the Gophers back in my day (1967 to 1971) and I think that they feel their voices are not being heard. I don't want to speak for them, but if they were invited to participate in such a group and also mingle it with current athletes, I can't help but think the outcome would be positive, at least I'd hope so. I know TC has issues, and they need to be addressed, not covered up by the U. I still think that deep down, TC would love to be a part of this and be able to vent some of his feelings in front of the right people, as long as both sides of the issues can maintain open minds. Again, I don't want to speak for him because I cannot possibly relate to what he is feeling, I have not gone through what he has gone through, I'm of a different race, all sorts of things which could be viewed as roadblocks or barriers. We all need to start breaking down these barriers.