Two things I took away from today's scrimmage


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Besides being cold and bored, enthusiasm reminded me of that Arkansas State opener at the Dome in 96 when about 15,000 people showed up, it was that type of nobody really gives a rip atmosphere. This was an intra squad scrimmage though so I kind of expected this. Disappointed to see the same faces and numbers starting 5 up front in the O-line only because of last years performance. That said they look to be in better shape, and seem to have a little stamina this year.
We as Gopher fans need a Big 10 back that is a step faster than the current two starters if were going to go with this O line as the starters. There not a bad group but there just not going to push anyone around.
The current two tailback guy's are tough and can bring the physical play, but they will not make anyone miss or have that break away gear we used to have.
If there is one beef I have with Brew is that he has yet to recruit a Big 10 back. This line is not going to blow anyone off the block but what they do well is that they can hold there blocks long enough for a patient quick runner to wait for a crease to develop, that sliver and then slip through it. We need Edwards or one of the young guy's to come in, shed and find that hole and go. I would put Gray back there and have him run it more than not, he has some wiggle to him and you need that if he can hold onto the ball. D look's quick, they need a running game to keep them fresh though. This thing is really going to depend on developing a running game that can sustain. D-line lacked pressure but Willhite look's like he can get it done if he can get the inside guy's to pressure a little.

Like other's said the receivers are not going to sell out and go get the ball if A Web keeps delivering late, he get's them lit up way to much for any WR to ever want to sell out and make a play for him, and as usual same crappy feet as always. He will not turn the ball over unless forced though so he has that going for him, just waits a click to long to get rid of the ball I would have thought he would be over that by now and start seeing the route and releasing ahead, but I guess not. If that clock doesn't speed up in his head, A Web he is never going to make it to that next level and make this a career like you can tell he want's to. He has to start seeing the route before the break and hit it, without that he will be the same guy, it's got to click eventually doesn't it? Sure hope so. Hayo Carpenter could not out run my five year old nephew and three year old niece. Whoever saw this dude on film and thought he was fast must have been drunk or impaired, that dude is not fast and not a player.

My spring game observations this year will be in the form of first thing that comes to mind type word associations. Here we go:

Weber: sharp
Gray: silky smooth turnover machine
Alipate: young
C Lewis: tall
Watkins: physical
Carter: star
Maresh: white calves - get some sun
Rallis: very small
Reeves: small
Edwards: not small
Kirksey: see Edwards
Running backs: boring
Wills: pear shaped
Olson: hurry up and become a starter
Michel: see Olson
Garin: blonde bomber
Tyree: physical specimen
Hill: nice 'fro
Ferguson: not as wide as I thought, mostly tall
Orseske: good before game, bad during game
Pregame: wet
Overall: not nearly as fun as last year

Thats about it folks.

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