All I have to say to those saying racism is growing and it's a huge problem (which I agree, but I think we disagree on the cause):
White, hard-working middle-Americans are getting tired of being told they're racist, and that they're the root of the problems in this country....when theyre farming, manufacturing, serving in the military, the vast majority of public servants, etc....basically keeping the damn thing afloat. Stamping the argument with "you don't understand racism because you're me you're a racist, is so damn insulting. It's literally just creating more racism. Where people wanted to come together to fix the problem, people now want to distance themselves. The kicker: most of the Antifa nut cases are white, uber-privileged suburbanites who's parents are college professors (for example). They're the personification of white privelege....with the time to prance around and protest instead of working for a living...calling everyone else a racist.
The sick part about all of this....these movements are fueled to a fever pitch by primarily white liberal politicians and media members to trying and drum up votes. Look at the "children in cages" narrative that people bought hook-line-and-sinker....only for Obama's DHS secretary to come and say they did the same thing. There are even pictures that have circulated of children in chain link cages from Obama's administration that got pinned on Trump. Journalistic integrity is dead. It's all editorial propaganda.
Racism surely exists, and it's disgusting. But, think about and pay attention to the slanted media coverage, and look at the statistics. Think for yourself instead of joining the raging belligerent mob. We can't police thought...this is America.
Why don't we all work on making ourselves better instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing. We'll get somewhere a heck of lot faster than this current climate bordering on civil/race war.