Two Games Down: How Do You Project the Season?

What I got:

Western Ill: Win
Iowa: Win
@ Michigan: Loss
@ Northwestern: Loss
vs Nebraska: Loss
@ Indiana: Loss
vs Penn State: Win
vs Wisconsin: Loss
@ Michigan State: Loss

We finish 6-6 (2-6). In order of confidence to win, I'd put it something like:

1. Western Illinois
2. Iowa
4. Penn State
5. @ Indiana
6. @ Michigan State
7. Nebraska
8. Wisconsin
9. @ Northwestern
10. @ Michigan

I think this is really accurate in my opinion, although I like their chances of beating Indiana. Momentum is a funny thing. Indiana still has two NC games they could lose in Bowling Green and Mizzou, who have both been more impressive than expected so far. They have five games they could conceivably lose heading into the Gopher game. Unlikely, but they could.

The only thing that makes projections like this dangerous, this early in the season, is you obviously can't account for injuries. A few key injuries to any of these teams (including the Gophers), makes them very, very beatable. Northwestern already lost a starting DB for the season in Week 1. I haven't looked yet to see if there were many key losses in Week 2.

One thing hasn't changed. Iowa is a must win, in many ways. A loss against Iowa would be devastating.

I'll stick with my 7-5 prediction for now.

I think this is really accurate in my opinion, although I like their chances of beating Indiana. Momentum is a funny thing. Indiana still has two NC games they could lose in Bowling Green and Mizzou, who have both been more impressive than expected so far. They have five games they could conceivably lose heading into the Gopher game. Unlikely, but they could.

The only thing that makes projections like this dangerous, this early in the season, is you obviously can't account for injuries. A few key injuries to any of these teams (including the Gophers), makes them very, very beatable. Northwestern already lost a starting DB for the season in Week 1. I haven't looked yet to see if there were many key losses in Week 2.

One thing hasn't changed. Iowa is a must win, in many ways. A loss against Iowa would be devastating.

Could not agree more with that last statement. Should be at worst 3-1 and probably 4-0 going into that game. A loss to the Hawkeyes could send the season into a tailspin considering what is waiting for us after that game.

Some major pessimism here. Mainly I think you guys are giving way too much love to the other B1G teams. The Gophers have flaws, but so do most of the others. The passing game doesn't look great. But outside of OSU and Michigan, there's no one who will blow us out of the stadium and thankfully we don't play OSU. Wisconsin is the best team in the conference? Really? Based on what? UMass and Tennesee Tech? Come on.

We'll be favored with Iowa. We might be favored with PSU and Indiana. MSU looks beatable, but road games are tough. Nebraska and Wisconsin are at home. There's a chance. @ Northwestern is a likely loss. @ Michigan is a certain loss. But the other 6 are all possibilties. I'll stay at 7-5.

some of you guys have forgotten 2012 when the gophs couldn't score more than 13 points. they are scoring let's enjoy it.

I think most of us see improvement in this year's team. Our depth still has a ways to go. I am going to stick with 8 - 4 (before bowl game), but there is little room for injury in there (keep Nelson healthy). The passing game will continue to develop and it will be just good enough to keep the defenses honest.
Western Ill: Win
Iowa: Win
@ Michigan: Loss
@ Northwestern: Win (I like NW's team but think we can play with them due to our speed on d)
vs Nebraska: Loss
@ Indiana: Loss (disappointing loss on the road)
vs Penn State: Win
vs Wisconsin: Win (big time home win!)
@ Michigan State: Loss

Still looking like somewhere between 5-7 and 7-5 (plus a possible bowl game). I still don't see anyone who can put us on their back and steal a game from teams better than us. So that leaves us 4 non conference wins and 50/50 games against Iowa and Indiana.

This is where I'm at. Big thing will be if we can build on every game and show improvement. Steady improvement could mean a win at MSU, which would probably put us at 7-5.

PS--Wisconsin is good, but their opponents have arguably been worse than ours. Can't argue about Melvin Gordon though. The real effin' deal.

This is where I'm at. Big thing will be if we can build on every game and show improvement. Steady improvement could mean a win at MSU, which would probably put us at 7-5.

PS--Wisconsin is good, but their opponents have arguably been worse than ours. Can't argue about Melvin Gordon though. The real effin' deal.

Agree on Gordon, plus you have to give them some props for pitching back to back shutouts. I don't care how bad the opposition is (and theirs has been worse then ours to this point) it is still impressive to keep any team off the scoreboard for an entire game.

Why change a prediction after what we have seen is my question? I'm sticking with my original 7-5. I think we will be 5-0 and will have chances against Indiana Penn State, and Mich. State. I don't see us beating Wisconsin, Mich., or Nebraska.

Agree on Gordon, plus you have to give them some props for pitching back to back shutouts. I don't care how bad the opposition is (and theirs has been worse then ours to this point) it is still impressive to keep any team off the scoreboard for an entire game.

I figured Wisconsin's D would be pretty good. Lots of guys--a few of them really good--returning.

Gordon reminds me of a speedier version of Eddie George.

Really? The teams they have played make UNLV & NMSU look like powerhouses. They may turn out to be, buy Nothing they have shown proves that yet, IMO. Northwestern on the other hand......

I see the Gophs finishing 8-4.
W's against: W.I'll, SJSU, Iowa, Ind, PSU, & either Wi or MSU.

I agree with this and want to add that negativity on this thread is why I hate most Minnesotans. And yes, I am one.

I figured Wisconsin's D would be pretty good. Lots of guys--a few of them really good--returning..

They had better be decent on defense; they returned virtually the entire Front 7, and have 8 Seniors on the 2-deeps for their Front 7. Holy crap, they better be pitching shutouts to what was essentially two FCS teams.

The game at Arizona State should be interesting. I'm on the fence about going, as I'll be heading down to PHX already for the Cardinals-Lions game the next day. The Wisky-ASU game might be a better game anyway. At any rate, we should know more about both ASU and Wisky after Saturday night.

They had better be decent on defense; they returned virtually the entire Front 7, and have 8 Seniors on the 2-deeps for their Front 7. Holy crap, they better be pitching shutouts to what was essentially two FCS teams.

The game at Arizona State should be interesting. I'm on the fence about going, as I'll be heading down to PHX already for the Cardinals-Lions game the next day. The Wisky-ASU game might be a better game anyway. At any rate, we should know more about both ASU and Wisky after Saturday night.

We will actually know quite a bit about the conference as a whole at the end of this weekend because there are a bunch of matchups with decent non-conf opponents on most of the schedules. Arizona State, Washington, Bowling Green, California, Notre Dame, UCLA, Iowa State....

My view of the season's outcome hasn't changed based on the 1st 2 games. I think the Gophers will go 5-7 or 6-6 during the regular season. I think the key game (in terms of bowl eligibility) will be SJSU. If we lose that game then I find it difficult to imagine 3 B1G wins. If we win that game, however, I think we could win 2 or 3 from among the following games: Iowa, IU, PSU or MSU.

Both Northwestern and Wisonsin look a lot less beatable than they did a few weeks ago.

As everyone seems to agree, our passing game has been disappointing thus far. If the offense could really "click" even for one game, I think we could put together a heckuva game and surprise someone.

Could not agree more with that last statement. Should be at worst 3-1 and probably 4-0 going into that game. A loss to the Hawkeyes could send the season into a tailspin considering what is waiting for us after that game.

LOL - You seem to thrive on finding things to worry about. I try not to worry about much but I am starting to worry about you. It will be what it will be so you might as well enjoy the journey.


4-0. Non conference

4 wins. Iowa, northwestern, penn state and Wisconsin

LOL - You seem to thrive on finding things to worry about. I try not to worry about much but I am starting to worry about you. It will be what it will be so you might as well enjoy the journey.

Appreciate the concern but I will be Ok. I know I annoy people because I refuse to see the world through maroon and gold colored glasses. I am a longtime Gopher fan but win or lose I sleep just fine at night. Just like talking about the program but not emotionally wrapped up in the end results.

Appreciate the concern but I will be Ok. I know I annoy people because I refuse to see the world through maroon and gold colored glasses. I am a longtime Gopher fan but win or lose I sleep just fine at night. Just like talking about the program but not emotionally wrapped up in the end results.

Glad to hear that your are sleeping well. I must admit when Brewster was here I didn't sleep well.;)

Making projections on the rest of the season is meaningless to me, because even if I could make a projection, I won't. I will only make one related projection however: I will continue to lead the Predict the Score Contests.

If we beat SJSU & Iowa we will be 8-4...

If we lose to SJSU we will be 4-8...

Remember this post. :cool02:

My view of the season's outcome hasn't changed based on the 1st 2 games. I think the Gophers will go 5-7 or 6-6 during the regular season. I think the key game (in terms of bowl eligibility) will be SJSU. If we lose that game then I find it difficult to imagine 3 B1G wins. If we win that game, however, I think we could win 2 or 3 from among the following games: Iowa, IU, PSU or MSU.

Both Northwestern and Wisonsin look a lot less beatable than they did a few weeks ago.

As everyone seems to agree, our passing game has been disappointing thus far. If the offense could really "click" even for one game, I think we could put together a heckuva game and surprise someone.

I couldn't find the preseason record projection thread, but my projection still has not changed following the New Mexico State. 5-7 or 6-6.

As I peruse this thread, I don't see a lot of people predicting we would beat Michigan, so I'm not sure what all the petulance is after this particular game. Can others (especially those most critical) point out some past thread of theirs that supports their current vitriol toward the team/coaching staff due to a failure to meet their expectation?

Can others (especially those most critical) point out some past thread of theirs that supports their current vitriol toward the team/coaching staff due to a failure to meet their expectation?

The coaching was pretty terrible yesterday. I didn't think we had a chance in hell, but then we did and the coaching staff didn't respond.

I couldn't find the preseason record projection thread, but my projection still has not changed following the New Mexico State. 5-7 or 6-6.

As I peruse this thread, I don't see a lot of people predicting we would beat Michigan, so I'm not sure what all the petulance is after this particular game. Can others (especially those most critical) point out some past thread of theirs that supports their current vitriol toward the team/coaching staff due to a failure to meet their expectation?

Did you watch the game? This was one of the more beatable Michigan teams we have faced in years. I can totally understand now how two really bad teams in Akron and UCONN were able to push them to the brink. The decision to sit on the ball before the half was terrible, don't know if Kill would have approached that situation differently but it was coaching not to lose big as opposed to coaching to win the game.

If we do not pressure the QB on defense we are toast!

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