Twin Brothers Elijah & Elisah Daniels Commit to Minnesota!

Just how many twins have or will be playing for the current Gophers?

Are they attracted here because we are known as the "Twin Cities"?

I can only think of three: The McAvoys (sp?), the Huffs, and now the Daniels.

Furthermore, how many brothers have played together for the Gophers?

But,..... nm

Congratulations to the Daniels boys on a great decision. We look forward to seeing you succeed in maroon and gold!

Maybe i am not reading the sarcasm, but you do realize that the Hollins boys are not even related to each other right?
I read your question in the voice of Ned Flanders, so now I might think that you're the one trolling me. Well played, sir.

Back in the day we would call a guy like you a "dink" or a "prick"

Way to slam on a Gopher commit Mr. Spelling Bee

Never too early to get the boys used to the rigors of the U's academic requirements!

Welcome Daniels brothers to Gold Country. We are happy to have both of you in our family!

SKI-U-MAH and Go Gophers!

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