Tweet by Doogie Last Night

The registration stuff really doesn't work. Registration for next semester's classes starts long before finals of the current semester. Therefore, even if a player fails out it doesn't mean they couldn't have already signed up for classes and appear in OneStop as registered. You also have a lot of players that will register late for whatever reason so people tend to get really excited or down about X player leaving when in reality it is just somebody procrastinating. It isn't like players, or normal students for that matter, have a hard time getting in to a class during the first week of class.

Also, I didn't say stalking players, I said stalking OneStop as in people are all over that site constantly seeing what has changed and for generally no reason. Over the years the hit rate is well below 50%--particularly in the fall when most of the OneStop stalking occurs.

I agree that it's stupid to get worked up that a player won't be in school because he isn't on OneStop. I think you're talking mostly about false negatives, I'm agreeing with you on that, but false positives are probably rare. I'm sure the percentage of students listed as registered actually being in school is closer to 100% than it is 50%. Sure, a player could bomb finals, but that's not the norm.

The registration stuff really doesn't work. Registration for next semester's classes starts long before finals of the current semester. Therefore, even if a player fails out it doesn't mean they couldn't have already signed up for classes and appear in OneStop as registered. You also have a lot of players that will register late for whatever reason so people tend to get really excited or down about X player leaving when in reality it is just somebody procrastinating. It isn't like players, or normal students for that matter, have a hard time getting in to a class during the first week of class.

Also, I didn't say stalking players, I said stalking OneStop as in people are all over that site constantly seeing what has changed and for generally no reason. Over the years the hit rate is well below 50%--particularly in the fall when most of the OneStop stalking occurs.

I completely agree that looking at OneStop is not a conclusive way to look up information on players and I don't think i've ever seen a thread where it was presented as anything except "hey, according to the U, right now, these players aren't showing up in the database.".

I don't really see where this wouldn't be interesting information to people on a gopher football message board during the middle of the offseason. There are tons of tweets from sports commentators that are simply rumors that get discussed on here and surely not conclusive. I think we are all adults and can handle getting information and realizing that it might not prove anything, and that it might be a pre-cursor of something important.

I also don't think very many people were stalking OneStop. There was 1 thread about it in early january and then another thread the day classes started again (seems like an appropriate time to check).

I completely agree that looking at OneStop is not a conclusive way to look up information on players and I don't think i've ever seen a thread where it was presented as anything except "hey, according to the U, right now, these players aren't showing up in the database."

Nonsense. You started a thread titled "Academic attrition...." based on reported OneStop data. Hardly just "these players aren't showing up".

Devin Hester anyone? He played both offense and defense at Miami and look at him now.

Devin Hester anyone? He played both offense and defense at Miami and look at him now.

I was thinking about the Packers' Sam Shields as well. I don't think Shields did a lot of kick or punt returning, but he did play offense until his senior year and now looks to be an up-and-coming CB prospect. Stoudermire doesn't have Shields straight-line speed (I think Shields ran about a 4.3 or something obscene at his pro day last year), but he does have the return capability and is more elusive.

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