Tubby Smith - SN Coach of the Year

The repeated February collapses and his seemingly nonchalant attitude about them cooked Tubby Smith's goose here. That he had to go is changed neither by his success at Texas Tech or Richard Pitino's failure as his replacement.


Funny that you post that after today's game.

Maybe this has more to do with the conference style or the :30 shot clock, but it appears to me that his team this year runs a more uptempo offense than they ever did under Tubby at MN. A lot more shots with 10+ seconds left on the shot clock than I remember.

TT averages 72.7 points a game this year which isn't anything special. But the Gophers only averaged over 69 points a game one time under Tubby. I wonder if he's made a change in his philosophy?

So TTU managed to lose to TCU tonight. I guess that drops them from a 7 to a 8-9 seed.

Wonder if Alford is gone at UCLA?

No mention til now of Sporting News coach of the year losing to 11-20 TCU in first round of Big 12 tourney? I'm disappointed

No mention til now of Sporting News coach of the year losing to 11-20 TCU in first round of Big 12 tourney? I'm disappointed

Coach Smith's intensity level in the last 5 minutes of that game reminded me why I wanted a coaching change.

watching him coach last night was a reminder of why he was let go here. He looked lost. he left his best player on the bench for the last 5 minutes. its like he forgot about him. how about that coaching tree, I noticed that they are all still there, waiting for
the right job I guess.

Kentucky's 2004-05 season was the last to date in which a Tubby Smith coached team won double digit conference games and made it past the first weekend of the NCAA Tourney. This was also the last of his teams to date with a single digit loss total.

2006-07 was the last time a Tubby Smith coached team finished above 6th in its conference and it was the last time one of his teams had a winning conference record.

Tubby brought us back from the depths of the Dan Monson era but only so far. He's turned around Texas Tech, but the way the Red Raiders folded against TCU seemed awfully familiar. That Richard Pitino has been a huge disappointment who'd have already been fired were it not for a cost prohibitive buyout and a very good recruiting class no one wants to jeopardize shouldn't suggest Tubby should have been kept or that we somehow lost the equivalent to Coach K by letting him go.

Remember how Devoe Joseph left, Cobbs, Iverson too and Sampson didn't play late in his senior year. The good old days. Yeah right, glad he is gone.

Remember how Devoe Joseph left, Cobbs, Iverson too and Sampson didn't play late in his senior year. The good old days. Yeah right, glad he is gone.

Yep, now tell us about all the guys who left the program under Pitino....

Every program loses players, It'll be true with every coach that Minnesota has

Yep, now tell us about all the guys who left the program under Pitino....

Every program loses players, It'll be true with every coach that Minnesota has

I think the difference is that the guys that left under tubby had bright futures, volunteered to leave instead of waiting for their time as starters, and generally flourished after they left the program.

Not being a Pitino apologist here, but the two stories are different.

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