Tubby on RSIII


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Listening to Tubby on 'CCO and in responding to a question about RSIII Tubby said RSIII is playing through a hip pointer.

I had not heard that mentioned by the crack sports reporters in town. It isnt a monumental injury but it can affect your play.

Listening to Tubby on 'CCO and in responding to a question about RSIII Tubby said RSIII is playing through a hip pointer.

I had not heard that mentioned by the crack sports reporters in town. It isnt a monumental injury but it can affect your play.

I had to google what a hip pointer injury was...if anyone else was as clueless as me, here's what I found:
What Is A Hip Pointer Injury?
A hip pointer injury is extremely painful, acute injury to the iliac crest of the pelvis. The injury causes bleeding into the abdominal muscles, which attach to the iliac crest. The bone and overlying muscle are often bruised, and the pain can be intense. Pain may be felt when walking, laughing, coughing, or even breathing deeply.

What Causes A Hip Pointer Injury?
Hip pointers are the result of a direct blow to the iliac crest, whether from a direct hit from a helmet, or a hard fall. Hip pointers are common in contact sports such as football, and soccer.

What Is The Treatment For A Hip Pointer Injury?
For immediate relief, follow the treatment plan. Rest from aggravating activities for the first 1 to 2 weeks, is the only real way to heal a Hip pointer. Ice and medication can be helpful to reduce pain and inflammation for the first 7 to 10 days after the injury.

It's important that the athlete not return to quickly to activity. If he still has pain or tenderness, he is liable to compensate by altering his gait and technique. The result is another injury to another body part.

Sounds really painful, and being a D1 athlete is not allowing him to rest - tough kid playing through this. I hope he does feel better soon!

Ouch !

I had to google what a hip pointer injury was...if anyone else was as clueless as me, here's what I found:

Sounds really painful, and being a D1 athlete is not allowing him to rest - tough kid playing through this. I hope he does feel better soon!

Thanks for the google GL. That sounds worse than I thought! I was told I had one when I was in high school and it was a very sharp shooting pain all right.

I hope RSIII heels well and quickly.

Thanks GL, when I read the first post my reaction was "Uhhhh... What exactly is that?" Sounds serious and I hope he can get over it soon. Also sounds like it would be hard to be aggresive and bang for boards with that type of injury.

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