Tubby needs to lock the team in the barn


Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
and not let them out until they make 100 free throws in a row. each. this is beyond ridiculous to shoot free throws this badly and it stems from a lack of discipline. we were fairly decent last year, and in both VA and Cornell if we had shot a halfways decent % say 75 we probably would have ran away with both games.

my solution. lock them in the barn and dont let them out til they do their time. havent we seen jekyll and hyde turnarounds in FT shooting before with this team? i feel like we have.

I'll settle for 80 or 90 out of a hundred. Your point is well taken. There is no excuse for the points they give up at the line.

It amazes me that a kid can make it to college with a full ride for basketball and not hit a free throw. Maybe they dominate enough in high school they don't even think about practicing it? And obviously this isn't just directed at our guys. It can be said about a lot of players around the nation.

Maybe they dominate enough in high school they don't even think about practicing it?

This is exactly what happens. How many 6'11" guys do you think Colton went against in H.S.? He didn't need to shoot FT's because nobody could make him miss a shot.

This is exactly what happens. How many 6'11" guys do you think Colton went against in H.S.? He didn't need to shoot FT's because nobody could make him miss a shot.

Wouldn't the opposite be true. Wouldn't they foul him all the time because no body could guard him?

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