Tubby/Jim Petersen take 4th at Golf tourney

John Chaney said that Tubby is one of the best golfers among the CBB coaches and I know Tubby has been invited every year to the golf outing that Dean Smith has for his coaching "family" and regularly takes money from Roy Williams-who is also not that bad a golfer apparently. I hate Golf personally because I had to always play with my uncles (both Pro-Am guys) and Russ Cochrane and his sons (one of whom also kicked my butt all through high school on the basketball court) and the beatings I took are legendary. Christmas is not fun as I still hear about the 97 I shot once...on the front nine.

I would say that is a very amateur press release. Look at the final standings, they obviously got 5th, not 4th. Also, saying Tubby has 16 20-win seasons and has made the ncaa's each of those years. Didn't we win 20 games two seasons ago and go to the NIT???

Nice catch Gopherholefan. Another example of the laissez-faire work put in by the folks in athletic communications. What makes the mistake even more inexcusable is that one of those 20-win seasons (supposedly with a NCAA appearance) came in Tubby's first year at Minnesota.

The release also has Jon Barry's name spelled incorrectly.

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