Tubby has emotional intelligence, how about you?


Nov 28, 2009
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"In the famous "marshmallow studies" at Stanford University, four year olds were asked to stay in a room alone with a marshmallow and wait for a researcher to return. They were told that if they could wait until the researcher came back before eating the marshmallow, they could have two. Ten years later the researchers tracked down the kids who participated in the study. They found that the kids who were able to resist temptation had a total SAT score that was 210 points higher than those kids who were unable to wait."

My contention is that Tubby would have waited and got two. Me? Honestly, probably one.

What about you?

"In the famous "marshmallow studies" at Stanford University, four year olds were asked to stay in a room alone with a marshmallow and wait for a researcher to return. They were told that if they could wait until the researcher came back before eating the marshmallow, they could have two. Ten years later the researchers tracked down the kids who participated in the study. They found that the kids who were able to resist temptation had a total SAT score that was 210 points higher than those kids who were unable to wait."

So, these kids took the SAT when they were 14 years old?

So, these kids took the SAT when they were 14 years old?
A lot of kids take the ACT/SAT around 8th grade for practice and to see where they are. At least around here. But most take it at what, 16 or 17? It's pretty clear what he meant and that 10 years was an approximation.

Well, if Tubby is waiting for two 5* players to appear, he's badly mistaken.

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