Tubby changing up his game plan


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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This is by far the furthest he has strayed away from his weekly game plan this year and it paid off. I am smirking like I just found a pot of gold.

1) Playing Iverson and Sampson together really helped. Out rebounding them by over 10 was just what we needed to keep them at arms length in the second half.

2) Unlike most games where Tubby is going deep into the bench, he stuck to playing the guys who have proven themselves on the court.

3) No 3-minute substitution drills. How many guys got in the game for us in the final 10 minutes? 7 or 8 maybe? Devoe, DJ, Hoff, Ralph, and Colt seemed to be out there for the majority of the final quarter of the game.

4) The ball screens at the top of the key worked very well. For a team that is criticized for not having much of an offense, we looked pretty comfortable running it tonight. Glad to Cobbs moving the ball and taking some shots. Again I was impressed with DJ on both ends of the floor and it is always a huge plus to have Hoff shooting well.

I am sure I am missing a few other things but overall a great game. I am very excited to see how they follow this one up. Hopefully Tubby can take what worked and help the Gophers make a fantastic run towards the postseason! :clap:

Once again it looked like Tubby outcoached Bo. Beat the Badgers at their own game, with solid halfcourt sets (for once), good defense, and denying the ball inside all night. If someone would have told me we'd win this game by NOT going uptempo, I'd have promised to eat my shoe. Shows what I know.

Good points Stocker, I particularly agree with #1 and #3.

Count me as pleasantly surprised w/the Colton and Ralph in the game together! I really didn't think it would work, but they clogged the lane and made it virtually impossible for them to score in the paint. Now, I'm not so sure this would work against Michigan as they only shoot 3's anyway, but I like this game plan for the rest of the games.

And yes, it was great that he shortened the bench!! Good job Tubby!

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