Try to say something nice about Iowa...........

i'm sure that is exactly how Claeys sees it.

So in a harmless thread where people are having fun making Iowa jokes you just have to toss in yet another Leidner shot. We get it, you hate him, we don't need a comment in every thread reasserting the fact that you hate him. I still want to know what Leidner did to you personally because it has to be more then football for you to be this obsessed with the guy.

So in a harmless thread where people are having fun making Iowa jokes you just have to toss in yet another Leidner shot. We get it, you hate him, we don't need a comment in every thread reasserting the fact that you hate him. I still want to know what Leidner did to you personally because it has to be more then football for you to be this obsessed with the guy.

Hate? cmon man, have you read any of my posts? The kid gives his all and i fault him none, zero, zippity. The staff believed they had a system that could overcome a lack of abilities. but hate? Nah, i don't waste my time with that.

-BYOB at the "Gentleman's Clubs."
-Their casinos have craps & roulette
-You can park your tailgating vehicle overnight
-Lots of USHL hockey

It's very easy to spell.


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If you're a fan of dirt-track racing, Iowa has a lot of tracks, including Knoxville - home of the Sprint-Car Nationals.

35 W North. For Gopher028- leave your political BS on some other forum. FYI- Trudeau definitely does not want U.

Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little,
Cheep, cheep cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more.

With an average ACT score of 26, Iowa welcomes almost anyone.

The women. I was startled to realize one of my first college hookups was with a visiting Iowan. I know, I know. Actual footage of the party that night (this may not be entirely accurate):

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