I can only assume you were equally concerned when women were having their lives shattered without appropriately thorough and fair due process and diligence before the days of Title IX and EOAA's.
Until the US Supreme Court reverses the below cited cases there is no way colleges and universities are going to stop handling suspected sexual harassment and assault under their student code of conduct procedures. The days when administrators look the other way, or refuse to investigate and take appropriate action, when their students claim they have been sexually harassed or assaulted are drawing to a close. It can't happen fast enough.
In 1992 the US Supreme Court established that monetary damages are available to victims of sex discrimination under Title IX (Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public Schools 1992).
In 1999 the Court as established institutional liability for student-on-student sexual harassment or assault in Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education (1999). The Court held that school districts could be liable for student-on-student sexual harassment when:
(1) school personnel have actual knowledge of the harassment;
(2) school personnel are deliberately indifferent to the harassment or respond in a clearly unreasonable manner in light of the known circumstances; and
(3) the harassment is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that is can be said to deprive the victim(s) access to educational opportunities.
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