Trevor, Royce, Nolen and now Joseph


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Unbelievable, we endured Trevor, Royce and Al's suspension last year and now Devoe. Who the heck is babysitting these kids. Maturi and Tubby have to take some blame for the lack of discipline.

They shouldn't need babysitting. They are adults and are responsible for their own behavior. Maturi and Tubby are not at fault. They set the rules, and if there is an infraction, they impose consequences.

Unbelievable, we endured Trevor, Royce and Al's suspension last year and now Devoe. Who the heck is babysitting these kids. Maturi and Tubby have to take some blame for the lack of discipline.

How long before the first post criticizing Matruri for not letting Devoe play? Maybe it's already happened.

Over the years, I have noticed one thing though. Whenever we have our better teams, it seems like that's when things happen. Maybe it's just that our hopes are up, so the hits are magnified. Nobody really remembers when a team is muddling along and some player gets in trouble.

I do wonder at times how much of this "bad luck" is a result of it just being the U: large campus, urban setting, big city media, Minnesota as Lake Woebegon, etc. Not blaming the Mall of America instead of Royce, but damn this gets old.

If there's any thread to this, it might be just that coaches at the U take risks on kids that some other places don't because they don't have to. The pressure to win is certainly here; there might be disadvantages recruiting here; and we're in a rebuilding mode a lot. So a player gets recruited here where some school might stay away because of academic or character issues.

That certainly didn't seem to be the case with Devoe, but you can come up with a list of people the U would have been better off refusing: White, Schilling, James, Lee, Archambault, even Humphries.

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