

Dec 15, 2008
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I hope they plan maple trees in the open end that alternate turning maroon and gold in October!

I would be shocked if they didn't think of this already. Lets hope.

Plaza vegetation

On the north side of the plaza area, near the water feature, they plan on planting trees and vegetation indigenous to the northern part of the state. On the south side of the plaza, they will plant vegetation indigenous to the southern part of the state.

I don't know specifically what type of trees are going where exactly.

Back in 2002 (?) the U had a marketing campaign with posters and stuff that read, "Even Mother Nature Loves Maroon and Gold" and had photos of nature scenes with maroon and gold in them.


This picture is kind of small, but you get the idea, so I would think the U would have thought about this in terms of the stadium.

Norway Pines?

I was thinking Norway Pines, being the state tree.

Maybe they can plant a tallgrass prairie preserve on the southern side! LOL:D

The grounds people at the U are quite good at planting strategically for maroon and gold effects. I trust they'll do this well.

I hope they plan maple trees in the open end that alternate turning maroon and gold in October!

Tamaracks, aspens, birch and some varieties of maple turn beautiful gorgeous GOLD in the fall. It's harder to find a good maroon, its too easy to end up with red or brown...

it wouldn't break my heart if thye just have a beautiful all GOLDEN plaza. That would really match up well with the maroon end zones...

That "Even Mother Nature..." poster brings back some memories... I was a teacher bi-otch for a semester as a senior in HS (to counter the 3 AP classes I took) and she had me laminate like 100 of those and trim the edges. That was right when I had decided for sure to go to the U, too.

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