Tracy Claeys presser notes: Different style than Kill, Leidner is starting, etc.


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Nov 5, 2008
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As always, these are my live notes, not verbatim, just typing as Claeys spoke...

• We should have everyone back for the game
• Going to play a tough NU team, both of us fighting for a B1G win, defensively, they create a lot of turnovers.
• They left and got there Friday, I've been in contact with Rebecca until last night, then Coach called last night. He's feeling good, we're still going to prepare, I don't anticipate him being at the game.
• Mitch played and had some mistakes that we'd like to have back. Phillip will be ready to play, and I'd like to get him in the early at some point in the game.
• Nothing new as far as a time frame that Kill will return.
• I will call the defensive plays, I wont' be passing that off to anybody.
• I blow the whistle and go from one drill to the next.
• Our practices are pretty structured and organized. Kill tried to set the tempo in practice and I do that now.
• Ced Thompson and WR Derrick Engel both practiced this weekend. They had concussion tests done last Tuesday.
• Brock practiced at corner, and took a few reps on Sunday. We haven't make the decision if we'll move him there or not. That's the one possibility we could even make.
• Shabazz practiced. They're bumped and bruised, but that's part of football at this time year.
• We haven't changed our offense that much going from Phillip to Mitch.
• Defensively we harped on 3rd downs, and pass rush. On offense, it's taking care of the football and making good decisions on 3rd downs.
• We didn't make enough plays on the ball on defense on 3rd downs, the pass rush, we can still do that better. Part of that against Michigan is my fault, I guess it wasn't a very good game plan. We need to turn those guys loose up front.
• I think winning this for Kill is a natural part. Coach wants us to tell our players to have fun. That's what he misses. It's more about having fun. This game is all about winning and losing, we're disappointed we don't have a Big 10 win yet.
• We can't lose yardage, I'm more worried about fielding punts, those are the biggest concerns. Our coverage has been pretty good. We feel good about our coverage.
• Coach Kill has the best relationship with Pat Fitzgerald. Pat's always been very good to our staff. We've always had that type of relationship. He's a good football coach and he has his sytem in place, aside from last week vs. WI. We'll throw that game away.
• The officials - one of those things you can't control, it hasn't been a big issue. I need to not get too emotionally involved on defense.
• My whole thing is - there comes a time in there when you can get Phillip a series in the 1st half, I'd rather do that than waiting to put him in towards the end of the game.
• NU plays to their strengths using 2 quarterbacks. It's a little bit difference, because you have 2 different sets of skills. They are one of the quickest teams we'll play, Texas Tech was a little bit faster, but they move faster than anyone in the Big 10.
• I didn't ask Kill if he'd watch this game at home, I've known him a long time and I don't know if he could watch it.
• How much input will you take from Kill? As much as he wants. For the most part, whatever advice he wants to give.
• I don't look at my role as the head coach, it's Jerry Kill's program, it will always be his program. Game management decisions have to be made.
• I'm probably more of uh...if somebody messes up, I just go to the next guy. Coach Kill will let them know about every specific mistake that's made. I don't get too excited, I just try to manage the game. I'm pretty calmed and focused, Coach Kill is very intense and highly wired.
• There will be a few more charts I'll have to memorize.
• We'll meet as a team. Those rah-rah speeches, and they work for 1-2 plays, and when someone belts you, the rah-rah is gone. We'll remind the kids of things they need to do well. We'll play hard. If we execute, we'll have an opportunity to win, if not, it will be tough to win.

Of everyone on the staff, I view coach Claeys as the best prospect for a head coach. I like him better all the time.

Of everyone on the staff, I view coach Claeys as the best prospect for a head coach. I like him better all the time.

Does TCLAEYS refer to Jerry Kill as 'Kill.' Hmmmm, i would have thought he would say 'Jerry' or maybe coach but not by his last name. interesting.

• We didn't make enough plays on the ball on defense on 3rd downs, the pass rush, we can still do that better. Part of that against Michigan is my fault, I guess it wasn't a very good game plan. We need to turn those guys loose up front.

I love this part. Claeys did not shy away from taking some blame, he seems to recognize what went wrong, and Saturday will tell if he has learned from it. I know I'm no football coach, but I really don't think that giving a quarterback all day to find a receiver with a 3 man rush is the right way to stop a 3rd and long from happening. I hope we get more aggressive in long third downs in Evanston. That should be when the pass rushers are really licking their chops.

Of everyone on the staff, I view coach Claeys as the best prospect for a head coach. I like him better all the time.

He just seemed really relaxed and confident. Straight shooter, and seems like he's ready for this. We are very lucky this staff has been together so long.

Does TCLAEYS refer to Jerry Kill as 'Kill.' Hmmmm, i would have thought he would say 'Jerry' or maybe coach but not by his last name. interesting.

Like I said, it's not verbatim, sometimes I just write Kill - he usually referred to him as "Coach" though.

He just seemed really relaxed and confident. Straight shooter, and seems like he's ready for this. We are very lucky this staff has been together so long.

Like I said, it's not verbatim, sometimes I just write Kill - he usually referred to him as "Coach" though.

Whether he is called "Coach" "Coach Kill" "Kill" or "Dr.Don", Coach Claeys is the same guy. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet, as long as a fricking bee doesn't sting your nose.

I like the work Claeys has done, too. Hard to imagine NW losing three straight, with the third being homecoming, but have to admit I'm pumped for this one. If we can just be competitive! Also, coach should take a tip from Limegrover and lose some weight - makes for a longer life.

Sorry, my favorite because I've been banging on this since the opening game:

"We can't lose yardage, I'm more worried about fielding punts, those are the biggest concerns"

Being a dangerous player in the open field with the ball in your hands doesn't necessarily make you a great punt returner. Marcus, get up there and catch the frickin ball on the fly.

Sorry, my favorite because I've been banging on this since the opening game:

"We can't lose yardage, I'm more worried about fielding punts, those are the biggest concerns"

Being a dangerous player in the open field with the ball in your hands doesn't necessarily make you a great punt returner. Marcus, get up there and catch the frickin ball on the fly.

I have thought about this and have wondered why they don't put 2 guys back there, one short and one deeper. I hate it when a short punt is not caught and then rolls for another 25 yards. Is it just that putting 2 back on punts makes the receiving team vulnerable to fakes?

Marcus, get up there and catch the frickin ball on the fly.

Especially important this week to field the ball (cleanly) every time since their punter (Williams) is primarily a "pop it up in the air and let the coverage team get there" type of punter. Probably not going to be a lot of opportunities to return punts. Williams is not likely to hit it more than 35-38 yards in the air and we can't afford to lose field position by letting it roll another 5-10 yards or more.

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