Top Story On The News Tonight


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Sorry, I just have to get this out of my system. Leading off the news tonight is the Gopher story. Last March, leading off the news, was the Gophers making the NCAA tournament.

I just winced when I saw it. I was embarrassed for the University, for the coaches, the other players, and us fans.

Royce as a high schooler was somewhat off limits to this kind of publicity.

Well, if that's what he wanted, he's got it. Now he's one of the most recognizable faces in Minnesota, leading off the news, picture plastered in every newspaper, in every newscast.

It just pisses me off.

Congratulations Royce.

You've arrived.

As a P.S. -

I want to hear an apology from him.

I think we deserve it.

Plus's also fairly obvious to tell the ages of some of the posters on here based on their opinions. Those posting that we should "forgive and forget" have that "young" feel to it and those suggesting serious ramifications for Royce have that "around the block" appeal. I'm not stating one opinion is better than the other...just my personal assessment.

+3 I not only want to hear an apology, I'm demanding it. He needs to stand up in front of all his teammates and apologize to their faces. He really needs to apologize to Tubby.

+4 on the apology, but I'm not holding my breath. I think it's more likely that he will bolt from the team and run away rather than face the consequences of his actions.

+4 on the apology, but I'm not holding my breath. I think it's more likely that he will bolt from the team and run away rather than face the consequences of his actions.

Sadly, I feel this might be the most likely scenario. Thank God we have the right coach in place to trust this situation will be handled in the proper fashion.

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