Too young; no senior leadership

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Over Macho Grande?
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Just making a lot of young mistakes, that's all. The young kids aren't disciplined enough to play against this style of basketball.

This shouldn't be a shock. Now let's see how they respond to some adversity.

Agreed, Ogee. Compared to some past years with no hope on the horizon, I find it hard to get too worked up over this. I look forward to seeing how they respond.

Definately agree...Landry is killing us and its because he is out smarting and out fundamentaling everyone else on the court.....

I agree with all posters on this thread...We are young. We have not had any thing that has resembled an offense since the opening minutes. everything has been hodge podge and rag tag or whatever you want to call it. Even the buckets have not looked pretty. You can't go on the road in the B3t (black and blue big ten) and not be ready to get punched in the mouth. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to be calm, but more emotional then most. I've thrown my fair share of random objects around the house tonight. I just look at the fact that we have a 18 and 20 year old running the ship right now. It will take some time but we will be good and we will win these games....just not YET!
ski u mah

Guess i picked the best or worst time to post my first post....i will gladly put both of my feet in my mouth....WOW

Me too...I stand corrected. Bow down to Tubby...Go Gophers!!!!!


No blame - Welcome to the board and keep posting! Good game to jump in!

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