Tony Dungy- Mr. Fix it


Jul 25, 2010
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I hear that Tony Dungy is willing to help Indiana in its coaching search. Maybe I'm cranky because the Gophers coaching search seems to be dragging on..but this kind of upsets me a bit. I think he should at least wait for the Gophers to fill their coaching vacancy. He is a Gopher after all and they do play in the same conference. I am probably over reacting and I am one of the few people who do not think that Tony Dungy has all of the answers.

I found that a bit odd too and was a little off-put by it, but in my opinion he's primarily involved in promoting the cause of minority candidates and as such would probably do that for any school that requested his guidance.

And I don't believe that he's got all the answers either, but as a former Gopher player and Super Bowl winning coach, his opinion was inevitably going to be sought out here in this process.

what we should be saying to Dungy is suck it.. the man has no interest in the job and we shouldnt need his input. He thinks he is a whole lot better then he is.

He's a very popular guy in both states, so I'd imagine he's been added as a consultant to each search more for PR than actual input.

He probably met with each AD, gave his thoughts and a list of guys, and that's that.

what we should be saying to Dungy is suck it.. the man has no interest in the job and we shouldnt need his input. He thinks he is a whole lot better then he is.

Well, that's going a little bit too far isn't it? Having met him albeit very, very briefly, I actually think he's extremely down to earth and humble as compared to many and most.

Whatever the case, he's a genuinely nice guy, and he is very down to earth despite what you might think of him. There is *no* sense whatsoever of "Oh my god, I'm SO much better than you!", but rather the sense of this ringing and eternal gratitude for the heights he's ascended, and for him it's not about 'me' and what 'I've' done, it's all about the graces granted to him by God that allowed him to climb such peaks. He is eternally grateful, and that keeps him humble despite any missteps he might make.

He's a genuinely good man, so cut I'd recommend cutting him a break, or at the very least not being so harsh upon him without cause, because he doesn't deserve that. He really doesn't. He's one of the good guys in the world.

Well, that's going a little bit too far isn't it? Having met him albeit very, very briefly, I actually think he's extremely down to earth and humble as compared to many and most.

Whatever the case, he's a genuinely nice guy, and he is very down to earth despite what you might think of him. There is *no* sense whatsoever of "Oh my god, I'm SO much better than you!", but rather the sense of this ringing and eternal gratitude for the heights he's ascended, and for him it's not about 'me' and what 'I've' done, it's all about the graces granted to him by God that allowed him to climb such peaks. He is eternally grateful, and that keeps him humble despite any missteps he might make.

He's a genuinely good man, so cut I'd recommend cutting him a break, or at the very least not being so harsh upon him without cause, because he doesn't deserve that. He really doesn't. He's one of the good guys in the world.

I agree that he's probably one of the nicest guys around. But I also agree he should be told to suck it. Part of what makes a school or football program great is support from its alumni. Think of all the NFL players you see on TV talking about 'THE Ohio State University', or 'Da U', or Will Ferrell going to USC games. We don't have as many great alumni as those places and then Tony Dungy, who is probably our best one, doesn't give a crap.

They want his help identifying minority candidates, what is wrong with that?

It could be the fact that he's done helping Maturi and Co. with their search, they're just dotting the I's and crossing the T's on their choice.

Now he's accepted another opportunity to use his skills and background.

They want his help identifying minority candidates, what is wrong with that?

I wonder if Dungy is pushing for Ken Niumatalolo and Mario Cristobal or if minority is really just a euphemism for black.

I think anybody can identify minority candidates, they're the guys who are qualified for the job that aren't white.

Bringing Dungy's name into the mix should just be a PR move. If he's legitimately "guiding" two Big Ten schools that is a massive conflict of interest.

I'd say that anyone who would ever tell Tony Dungy to "suck it" most likely already "sucks it" in their own right. People who try to get so possessive that they would take that attitude really have attitudes that "suck it" big time.

Tony Dungy helped us in campaigning for a stadium. He was consulted by maturi before the brewster disaster and gave macturi a suggestion for a person to interview. macturi apparently ignored Dungy's recommendation and didn't even talk to him. Still, when approached by macturi this time, Dungy was still helpful.

Anyone who thinks Dungy should be told to "suck it" is no one that I would ever want to be associated with in any way, shape or form. Tony Dungy is an extremely important University of Minnesota Alumni member and this U of M Football Program is SO fortunate to be able to count Tony Dungy as an alumni member and friend.

Have a little class people...

^ alright you better whipe the brown stuff off your nose. Dungy spurned us and has now agreed to help Indiana.

If Dungy is consulting in identifying minority candidates, why are so many people saying Dungy is pushing Trestman? Canadian = Minority?

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