Tonight refs

The Westbrook charge was the only call where I really didn't see how they could call it. The intentional foul, while I think wasn't the right call - I could see why they called it.

All in all absolutely no problem with the refs tonight. As a former umpire myself I feel I am pretty objective when it comes to officiating - so when I was as upset as I was after the Purdue game at the refs I think it speaks volumes to how bad the refs were in W. Lafayette.

I was trying to think back to a game where I was that upset with the refs and I have to say it wasn't a Gopher game. I went back to the 2000 elite 8 where Iowa State was absolutely robbed of a final 4 berth when they lost to Michigan State. The refs took over the game late and made horrible call after horrible call. I didn't care who won the game going in, but as it was happening I couldn't help but feel for Larry Eustachy and the Cyclones. Right near the end of the game when it was out of control Eustachy went on a tirade to remember and got tossed from the game, which I had no problem with given what had happened the last 3 or 4 minutes of the game. Those refs also had a part in messing up my 2001 bracket as I picked ISU to go to the final 4 to get revenge on the officials and they lost to 15 seed Hampton out in Boise.

Sadly, compared to the Purdue and Ohio St. game, tonight was well officiated. By that I mean it was bad, not horrendous. The Westbrook charge, the intentional foul, Iverson did foul that guy but he was clearly fouled first, Carter stands behind the guy with his hands up and the player jumps slightly backward into for an and 1, the list could go on. I don't usually notice reffing that often, I rarely blame losses on reffing, but in a close game like this it could be the difference between a win and a loss, which depending on how we finish, could be the difference between making the tournament or not. I know there are a million what ifs in a game, but just sayin...

Pretty encouraging though. If Devoe can ever get it going again or Carter could get some consistency, we could do some damage. Right now our bench if just awful. That was beyond pathetic tonight from them.

Can anyone verify that the free throws after the "intentional" were correct? Why did they get credit for the basket, and also get to shoot two free throws?

I figured the punishment for an intentional should just be the ball in addition to the free throw.

Any referees out there?

There were some other ones that baffled me.

Kalin Lucas in the first half taking an extra step in a travel so obvious you could hear the gasp of the crowd, but no whistle. Lucas also had an obvious carry of the basketball a short while later where he literally stopped his dribble and began dribbling again. Again, no whistle.

Chris Allen travels almost every time he touches it, but they simply don't call that anymore. Westbrook does it, too, but to a lesser degree. Allen catches and then literally takes two steps laterally every time before he dribbles, passes, or shoots.

I thought we got hammered pretty good on a few shots with no calls.

For a team to play as physical as MSU does to only have three fouls called against them in 19:00 of play it quite remarkable.

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